The children of Dr. Dirk Greineder and Mabel Greineder, from left, son, Colin, daughters Kirsten, and Britt Greineder, are seen during Dr. Greineder's trial in Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham, Mass., Wednesday, June 6, 2001. Greineder is charged in the murder of his wife, Mabel, who was murdered in a park in Wellesley, Mass., in October 1999. (AP Photo/Tom Landers-Pool)
![The children of Dr. Dirk Greineder and Mabel Greineder, from left, son, Colin, daughters Kirsten, and Britt Greineder, are seen during Dr. Greineder's trial in Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham, Mass., Wednesday, June 6, 2001. Greineder is charged in the murder of his wife, Mabel, who was murdered in a park in Wellesley, Mass., in October 1999. (AP Photo/Tom Landers-Pool) Stock Photo](
Image details
Associated Press / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
2PFBNTTFile size:
7.6 MB (287.9 KB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
1992 x 1332 px | 33.7 x 22.6 cm | 13.3 x 8.9 inches | 150dpiDate taken:
6 June 2001Photographer:
Tom LandersMore information:
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