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The food and game fishes of New York: . y Bass, Grass Bass, Lake Bass, Lake Erie Bass,liank Lake 15ass, .Silver Bass, and Big-fin Bass. Other names for the species areStrawberry Perch. Chinquapin Ierch, Goggle-eye Perch, Silver Perch and Sand THE FOOD AND GAME FISHES OF NEW YORK. 385 Perch. Still other names of local application are Barfish, Bitter Head, Tin Mouth,Sac-a-lait, Lamp-lighter, Razor Back, Goggle-eye, Black Croppie and Lake Croppie.The species is mentioned in the fish laws of Pennsylvania under the name of LakeErie Bass or Grass Bass. The distribution of the Calico Bass is naturall

The food and game fishes of New York: . y Bass, Grass Bass, Lake Bass, Lake Erie Bass,liank Lake 15ass, .Silver Bass, and Big-fin Bass. Other names for the species areStrawberry Perch. Chinquapin Ierch, Goggle-eye Perch, Silver Perch and Sand THE FOOD AND GAME FISHES OF NEW YORK. 385 Perch. Still other names of local application are Barfish, Bitter Head, Tin Mouth,Sac-a-lait, Lamp-lighter, Razor Back, Goggle-eye, Black Croppie and Lake Croppie.The species is mentioned in the fish laws of Pennsylvania under the name of LakeErie Bass or Grass Bass. The distribution of the Calico Bass is naturall Stock Photo

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The Reading Room / Alamy Stock Photo

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The food and game fishes of New York: . y Bass, Grass Bass, Lake Bass, Lake Erie Bass, liank Lake 15ass, .Silver Bass, and Big-fin Bass. Other names for the species areStrawberry Perch. Chinquapin Ierch, Goggle-eye Perch, Silver Perch and Sand THE FOOD AND GAME FISHES OF NEW YORK. 385 Perch. Still other names of local application are Barfish, Bitter Head, Tin Mouth, Sac-a-lait, Lamp-lighter, Razor Back, Goggle-eye, Black Croppie and Lake Croppie.The species is mentioned in the fish laws of Pennsylvania under the name of LakeErie Bass or Grass Bass. The distribution of the Calico Bass is naturally extensive, and it has been stillfarther increased by artificial introduction. The fish has been carried to France, andexamples measuring about 8 inches in length were recorded there several years ago.There is, however, some confusion in that country between the Calico Bass and theCommon Sunfish, and there is no doubt that some of the latter species have beenintroduced into Germany under the mistaken belief that they were Calico Bass.. ^-