The process of cavitation on the face of a young woman. Rejuvenation and tightening of the skin of the face of hardware cosmetology. The hands of the

The process of cavitation on the face of a young woman. Rejuvenation and tightening of the skin of the face of hardware cosmetology. The hands of the Stock Photo

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Aleksandr Tannagashev / Alamy Stock Photo

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45.7 MB (1.5 MB Compressed download)


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4895 x 3263 px | 41.4 x 27.6 cm | 16.3 x 10.9 inches | 300dpi

More information:

The process of cavitation on the face of a young woman. Rejuvenation and tightening of the skin of the face of hardware cosmetology. The hands of the beautician holds the handpiece of radio frequency cavitation near the woman's face.