. The Rotunda . anof Arc, their patron saint, is consider-ed by them as a leader in action. El-len Glasgow well known novelist, isan honorary member. Pi Gamma Mu—Virginia GammaChapter, is an honor society for so-cial science. Members are elected ac-cording to interest in social science—history, sociology, geography andsome courses in education. A certainamount of work in these departmentsis required with high average. Theproject being undertaken is a re-visal of the local ritual to be stand-ardized and used as a national ritual. Alpha Phi Sigma recognizes schol-arship, and is the only honorsoc

. The Rotunda . anof Arc, their patron saint, is consider-ed by them as a leader in action. El-len Glasgow well known novelist, isan honorary member. Pi Gamma Mu—Virginia GammaChapter, is an honor society for so-cial science. Members are elected ac-cording to interest in social science—history, sociology, geography andsome courses in education. A certainamount of work in these departmentsis required with high average. Theproject being undertaken is a re-visal of the local ritual to be stand-ardized and used as a national ritual. Alpha Phi Sigma recognizes schol-arship, and is the only honorsoc Stock Photo

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. The Rotunda . anof Arc, their patron saint, is consider-ed by them as a leader in action. El-len Glasgow well known novelist, isan honorary member. Pi Gamma Mu—Virginia GammaChapter, is an honor society for so-cial science. Members are elected ac-cording to interest in social science—history, sociology, geography andsome courses in education. A certainamount of work in these departmentsis required with high average. Theproject being undertaken is a re-visal of the local ritual to be stand-ardized and used as a national ritual. Alpha Phi Sigma recognizes schol-arship, and is the only honorsociety on campus open to under-classmen as well as upperclassmen.Valedictorians and salutatorians ofhigh schools automatically becomeaffiliated. There are three divisions, namely, novice, apprentice and mas-ters, the latter being the highest. Beta Pi Theta is an honor societyfor scholarship in French. Sigma Pi Rho recognizes scholar-ship in Latin. Pi Kappa Delta, a forensic societyfurthers debating and oratory.. DANCE CLASSES GIVE EXCELLENT RECITAL JUNIORS LEAD PRAYERS Prayers were conducted during thepast week by members of the JuniorClass. The president of the class.Margaret Gathright, gave a very in-spiring talk on Music and How ItMay Cheer Our Lives. Lucille In-gram had as her topic, Live EachDay as If It Were Your Last. Theseservices were interesting as well asbeneficial. DEATHS Continued from page five the payments being made throughthe treasurer of the College or ofthe Normal League. Thus he hasmerited the commendation, Inas-much as ye have done it unto theleast of these My brethren, ye havedons it unto Me. KAPPA DELTA PI SUPPER THE PORTIA LEE MORRISON MEMORIAL Continued from page threePresented by the author.Poems, John Reuben Thompson.Poems. Francis O. Ticknor.Zodiac Town, Nancy Byrd Turner.Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman. An entertaining program was pre-sented to the members of KappaDelta Pi by the new members of thechapter during a supper in the tearoom Tuesday night.