The servant girl, The maidservant. In a kitchen, a maid is cutting something or cleaning it on a table by a window. On the table are a colander, a pot and a bucket. Above the window is a bird cage, kitchen maid, kitchen servant, kitchen interior, Willem van Odekercken (attributed to), 1631 - 1677, panel, oil paint (paint), h 31 cm × w 24 cm d 6 cm
RMID:Image ID:W587JN
Image details
Penta Springs Limited / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
W587JNFile size:
79.5 MB (2.6 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
4631 x 6000 px | 39.2 x 50.8 cm | 15.4 x 20 inches | 300dpiPhotographer:
ArtokoloroMore information:
This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.
The servant girl, The maidservant. In a kitchen, a maid is cutting something or cleaning it on a table by a window. On the table are a colander, a pot and a bucket. Above the window is a bird cage, kitchen maid, kitchen servant, kitchen interior, Willem van Odekercken (attributed to), 1631 - 1677, panel, oil paint (paint), h 31 cm × w 24 cm d 6 cm