. The Victoria history of the county of Devon;. Natural history. HUT 2 EARLY MAN in the Municipal Museum at Plymouth. The same hut yielded much charcoal, numerous cooking stones, a rubber stone, and an oval sparry river-pebble that had both its ends bruised and broken oy use. .â â ^u°'^T5'^°^iP'^' '^''i' SE).âThere is an important series of hut circles and enclosures lying Zm V w "â fT..T 'u' 'Tu^ '^°P^ °^ ^'g'^ ^°'- M^"y °f these were explored in 1895-6 by Mr. R. Hansford Worth. The remains are very extensive, consisting of a series of irregularly- shaped enclosures, with less

. The Victoria history of the county of Devon;. Natural history. HUT 2 EARLY MAN in the Municipal Museum at Plymouth. The same hut yielded much charcoal, numerous cooking stones, a rubber stone, and an oval sparry river-pebble that had both its ends bruised and broken oy use. .â â ^u°'^T5'^°^iP'^' '^''i' SE).âThere is an important series of hut circles and enclosures lying Zm V w "â fT..T 'u' 'Tu^ '^°P^ °^ ^'g'^ ^°'- M^"y °f these were explored in 1895-6 by Mr. R. Hansford Worth. The remains are very extensive, consisting of a series of irregularly- shaped enclosures, with less Stock Photo

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. The Victoria history of the county of Devon;. Natural history. HUT 2 EARLY MAN in the Municipal Museum at Plymouth. The same hut yielded much charcoal, numerous cooking stones, a rubber stone, and an oval sparry river-pebble that had both its ends bruised and broken oy use. .â â ^u°'^T5'^°^iP'^' '^''i' SE).âThere is an important series of hut circles and enclosures lying Zm V w "â fT..T 'u' 'Tu^ '^°P^ °^ ^'g'^ ^°'- M^"y °f these were explored in 1895-6 by Mr. R. Hansford Worth. The remains are very extensive, consisting of a series of irregularly- shaped enclosures, with lesser boundaries subdividing in rectangular or sub-rectangular patches, and a number of hut circles of varymg dimensions, mostly within the enclosures. An evident settlement or a pastoral people. A de- scription of hut No. 2 will suffice as an illustration of these prehistoric dwellings (see fig. 5). This hut circle measures along its least internal diameter about 12^ ft., and along its great- est internal diameter, at right angles to the last, about 13^ ft. It has a well-defined entrance facing almost due south. A considerable portion of its floor was found to be paved with flat granite stones. There was a hearth-stone at or near the centre, cracked as if by fire, and a cooking or fire hole filled with ashes was found imme- diately adjacent to the hearth- stone and to the north of it. At the entrance to this circle there were two steps leading down from the outer ground level. The north-western half of the floor was unpaved, and consisted of natural hard' calm' or sub-soil. The raised hearth was the first indication of human habi- tation. Immediately over the actual floor of the hut were found some thirty rounded cook- ing-stones, mainly of elvan rock, many of which had been splin- tered by the action of fire. One flint flake was found in the soil within a few inches of the floor. The cooking or fire hole to the north of the hearth was of a curved oval or kidney s