Thetsis looking at her reflection a golden shield that Hephaistos has made for Achilles (Troy) ,Fresco Pompeii Roman City is located near Naples in the Campania region of Italy. Pompeii was buried under 4-6 m of volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. Italy
![Thetsis looking at her reflection a golden shield that Hephaistos has made for Achilles (Troy) ,Fresco Pompeii Roman City is located near Naples in the Campania region of Italy. Pompeii was buried under 4-6 m of volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. Italy Stock Photo](
RMID:Image ID:2T0AX23
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Peter Horree / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
2T0AX23File size:
92.8 MB (7.6 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
5087 x 6378 px | 43.1 x 54 cm | 17 x 21.3 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
14 September 2023Location:
National Archaeological Museum of Naples ItalyMore information:
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Pompeii was Founded 7th–6th century BC by the Greek. ancient city located near Naples in the Campania region of Italy. Pompeii, along with Herculaneum and many villas in the surrounding area buried under 4 to 6 m (13 to 20 ft) of volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79.