two british army soldiers plan a fire mission using bowman communication system

two british army soldiers plan a fire mission using bowman communication system Stock Photo

Image details


andrew chittock / Alamy Stock Photo

Image ID:


File size:

11.5 MB (680.2 KB Compressed download)


Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?


2464 x 1632 px | 41.7 x 27.6 cm | 16.4 x 10.9 inches | 150dpi

Date taken:

12 March 2014


Salisbury Plain Training Area,Salisbury

More information:

This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.

BOWMAN exploits the latest developments in radio and computer technology to meet the needs for services well into the 21st century. Designed to provide an integrated digital communications network interfacing with higher level systems and networks such as ISDN, Skynet V, Cormorant and FALCON. Commanders at all levels are given secure voice and data communications as well as an integrated Global Positioning System (GPS).