. Urinary analysis and diagnosis by microscopical and chemical examination. the following: A. ACID SEDIMENTS. 1. Uric acid 2. Sodium urate (a) Amorphous y Common(6) Crystalline 3. Calcium oxalate 4. Cystin 5. Creatinin [ 6. Hippuric acid Y Rare. 7. Leucin I 8. Tyrosin J 9. Calcium sulphate.—Very rare. B. ALKALINE SEDIMENTS. 1. Triple phosphates or ammonio-magnesiaii phosphates (a) Complete (b) Incomplete 2. Simple phosphates or calcium phosphates (a) Amorphous (6) Star-shaped, or stellate 3. Ammonium urate 4. Calcium carbonate.—Rare. 5. Magnesium phosphate.—Very rare. A. ACID SEDIMENTS. 1. Uri

. Urinary analysis and diagnosis by microscopical and chemical examination. the following: A. ACID SEDIMENTS. 1. Uric acid 2. Sodium urate (a) Amorphous y Common(6) Crystalline 3. Calcium oxalate 4. Cystin 5. Creatinin [ 6. Hippuric acid Y Rare. 7. Leucin I 8. Tyrosin J 9. Calcium sulphate.—Very rare. B. ALKALINE SEDIMENTS. 1. Triple phosphates or ammonio-magnesiaii phosphates (a) Complete (b) Incomplete 2. Simple phosphates or calcium phosphates (a) Amorphous (6) Star-shaped, or stellate 3. Ammonium urate 4. Calcium carbonate.—Rare. 5. Magnesium phosphate.—Very rare. A. ACID SEDIMENTS. 1. Uri Stock Photo

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. Urinary analysis and diagnosis by microscopical and chemical examination. the following: A. ACID SEDIMENTS. 1. Uric acid 2. Sodium urate (a) Amorphous y Common(6) Crystalline 3. Calcium oxalate 4. Cystin 5. Creatinin [ 6. Hippuric acid Y Rare. 7. Leucin I 8. Tyrosin J 9. Calcium sulphate.—Very rare. B. ALKALINE SEDIMENTS. 1. Triple phosphates or ammonio-magnesiaii phosphates (a) Complete (b) Incomplete 2. Simple phosphates or calcium phosphates (a) Amorphous (6) Star-shaped, or stellate 3. Ammonium urate 4. Calcium carbonate.—Rare. 5. Magnesium phosphate.—Very rare. A. ACID SEDIMENTS. 1. Uric Acid.—Uric acid is a constant ingredient of the urine, and isrequently seen under the microscope. Its amount is greatly increased3v an abundant proteid diet, such as meat, especially with diminished 69 >- Common. 70 URINARY ANALYSIS AND DIAGNOSIS. exercise or sedentary habits. It is also augmented in acute febrile dis-eases and in impeded function of the heart, lungs, and kidney. It isdiminished by a diet poor in protein matters; also in chronic kidney dis-. Fig. 19.—Crystals of Uric Acid, Common Form (X 400). eases and other diseases in which the amount of urea is diminished. Theprecipitation of a large amount of uric acid does not necessarily signifyan increase in its elimination. Uric acid varies greatly in shape and size, and is of a yellowish-brownor reddish-brown color, except when precipitated in very thin plates, when its color is pale yellow, or it may appear almost colorless. Differentvarieties of uric acid are met with, some of which are frequently seen andconstitute the common forms, while others are found more rarely. When CRYSTALLINE AND AMORPHOUS SEDIMENTS. 71 present in larger amount it becomes precipitated in the form of reddishmasses, which adhere to the sides of the vessel and produce the so-calledbrick-dust sediment. These masses are known as gravel or sand. The common form of uric acid (see Fig. 19) consists of rhomboidalprisms—lozenge shape