U.S. Army Reserve Pfc. Michael Birkett (left), and Pvt. Brian Arzate, 137th Quartermaster Company, 311th Sustainment Command, unload a Laundry Advanced System (LADS) during Combat Support Training Exercise (CSTX) 86-18-02 at Fort McCoy, Wis., August 16, 2018. This is the second CSTX of the summer for the 86th Training Division. The CSTX exercise is a large-scale training event where units experience tactical training scenarios specifically designed to replicate real-world missions.

U.S. Army Reserve Pfc. Michael Birkett (left), and Pvt. Brian Arzate, 137th Quartermaster Company, 311th Sustainment Command, unload a Laundry Advanced System (LADS) during Combat Support Training Exercise (CSTX) 86-18-02 at Fort McCoy, Wis., August 16, 2018.  This is the second CSTX of the summer for the 86th Training Division. The CSTX exercise is a large-scale training event where units experience tactical training scenarios specifically designed to replicate real-world missions. Stock Photo

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