Writing, instruction to tables and group portrait, Anonymous, c. 1930 - c. 1940 photograph Album magazine with three photos of the life of Japanese soldiers. Inscriptions in Japanese in the photos. Part of the Leporello photo album with photos of the service of Japanese soldiers. Japan cardboard. photographic support gelatin silver print military training. the company, the unit, the troop military service Japan

Writing, instruction to tables and group portrait, Anonymous, c. 1930 - c. 1940 photograph Album magazine with three photos of the life of Japanese soldiers. Inscriptions in Japanese in the photos. Part of the Leporello photo album with photos of the service of Japanese soldiers. Japan cardboard. photographic support gelatin silver print military training. the company, the unit, the troop ~ military service Japan Stock Photo

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piemags/rmn / Alamy Stock Photo

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