. American bee journal. Bee culture; Bees. April, 1909. American Vee Journal "5 )^=^^^^^1 ROOT'S GOODS Are money-savers. We have a full line of Supplies, |Bees, Oueens, etc., and can supply you with anything in the BEE-LINE Queens any quantity. Untested, 7Sc each. Tested, $1.00; 4Atf Rea Bee & Honey Co.^ Reynoldsville. Pa. ^7 GOLDEN OVi BREEDERS Bred from superior golden .'^tock last sea- son : now ready to mail. Their bees are hustlers and beauties. These breeders are as good as money can buy. They are simply fine. Their bees are very gentle to handle— $5.00 to $10.00each ; untested

. American bee journal. Bee culture; Bees. April, 1909. American Vee Journal "5 )^=^^^^^1 ROOT'S GOODS Are money-savers. We have a full line of Supplies, |Bees, Oueens, etc., and can supply you with anything in the BEE-LINE Queens any quantity. Untested, 7Sc each. Tested, $1.00; 4Atf Rea Bee & Honey Co.^ Reynoldsville. Pa. ^7 GOLDEN OVi BREEDERS Bred from superior golden .'^tock last sea- son : now ready to mail. Their bees are hustlers and beauties. These breeders are as good as money can buy. They are simply fine. Their bees are very gentle to handle— $5.00 to $10.00each ; untested Stock Photo

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. American bee journal. Bee culture; Bees. April, 1909. American Vee Journal "5 )^=^^^^^1 ROOT'S GOODS Are money-savers. We have a full line of Supplies, |Bees, Oueens, etc., and can supply you with anything in the BEE-LINE Queens any quantity. Untested, 7Sc each. Tested, $1.00; 4Atf Rea Bee & Honey Co.^ Reynoldsville. Pa. ^7 GOLDEN OVi BREEDERS Bred from superior golden .'^tock last sea- son : now ready to mail. Their bees are hustlers and beauties. These breeders are as good as money can buy. They are simply fine. Their bees are very gentle to handle— $5.00 to $10.00each ; untested queens ready to mail after April 15. Golden and leather or three-banded stock. Our long e.xperience as a queen-breeder is a guarantee that our queens are as good as the best. Untested, $1.00: 6 for $5.00: 12 for $9.00: tested. $1.50: select tested, $2.50: best, $5.00. This season's rearing. Write forprices on a large number. 4Atf T. S. HALL, Jasper, Pickens Co., Ga. I Will Send You Money-Saving Prices on Bee-Supplies If you will send me list of goods wanted. No harm done if prices don't suit. I buy in car-load lots and sell in any quantity. I be- lieve I have the largest and most complete stock in Illinois, if not in the West. A trial order or a visit here will convince any one. Eggs of B. P. Rock, White Wyandotte, Brown Leghorn—at $1.00 per 16. Cat. free. Bees for sale. Correspondence solicited. H. S. DUBY, St. Anne. III. FOR SALE 100 colonies of Italian and Carniolan bees in 8-frame IH-story hives, all in good con- dition. Hives are nearly all new. One col- ony. $5.50: five or more. $5.00 each. One empty super goes with each hive. Enquire with stamp. WM. J. HEALY, Minpral Point. Wis. WHAT" WHERE" WHEN Ho-vv'-Now Send for my 12-page circular of Ital- ian and Caucasian queens. Safe in- structions for the novice on how to introduce queens go with each order. Worth $$$ to you. 4Atf A. I>. I>. Wood, Box 61, LanBlne, Mich, WctntckA Man to assist in small apiary