Hooper's physician's vade mecum, or, A manual of the principles and practice of physic . called analogous, because they are similar to thosenaturally forming part of the body. When such formations have noresemblance to natural structure, they are termed heterologous. 343. The class of analogous formations is a very large and a veryimportant one, and comprises some of the most fatal diseases of thesecreting organs, especially the liver and kidney, as well as severalmorbid states of the arterial system. 344. Eecent investigations have demonstrated the very frequent partwhich deposits of fat or o

Hooper's physician's vade mecum, or, A manual of the principles and practice of physic . called analogous, because they are similar to thosenaturally forming part of the body. When such formations have noresemblance to natural structure, they are termed heterologous. 343. The class of analogous formations is a very large and a veryimportant one, and comprises some of the most fatal diseases of thesecreting organs, especially the liver and kidney, as well as severalmorbid states of the arterial system. 344. Eecent investigations have demonstrated the very frequent partwhich deposits of fat or o Stock Photo

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Hooper's physician's vade mecum, or, A manual of the principles and practice of physic . called analogous, because they are similar to thosenaturally forming part of the body. When such formations have noresemblance to natural structure, they are termed heterologous. 343. The class of analogous formations is a very large and a veryimportant one, and comprises some of the most fatal diseases of thesecreting organs, especially the liver and kidney, as well as severalmorbid states of the arterial system. 344. Eecent investigations have demonstrated the very frequent partwhich deposits of fat or oil globules play in the production of diseasesin some of the most important organs of the economy. Microscopicexaminations have shown the presence of fat in large quantities in theepithelial cells of the liver and kidney in the fatty degeneration of theliver, and in certain forms of Brights disease of the kidney. In thecase of the last-named organ, moreover, the same deposits have beenfound in the cells expelled with the urine, so as to furnish evidence FATTY DEGENEEATION. 79 Fig. 6.. during life of the character of the disease of which the kidney is theseat. The annexed iUustra-tions show the mode in whichthe oil globules are depositedin the cells of these organs.In Fig. 6, a represents healthycells of the liver, free fromtat globules; and b, cells froma liver in a state of fatty de-generation. In Fig. 7, a repre-sents healthy epithelial cells ofthe kidney, and b, cells loadedwith fat globules. 345. These deposits of fat arenot confined to the epithelialcells of the secreting surfaces, but exist also in the cellular tissue connect-ing the vessels of the secreting organs. The first effect of these depositsof fat in situations where such deposits are not found in a state of health, is to increase the size of the diseased organs without materially affectingtheir functions; but in more advanced stages of the disease the fattydeposits, by encroaching more and more on the vessels and