Forest Nameko mushrooms sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom. The Japanese call it “the slimy mushroom” and use it in miso soup. Stock Photo
RM2HXXX8X–Forest Nameko mushrooms sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom. The Japanese call it “the slimy mushroom” and use it in miso soup.
Pholiota microspora, commonly known as Pholiota nameko or simply nameko is a small, amber-brown mushroom with a slightly gelatinous coating that is us Stock Photo
RF2JPEXY6–Pholiota microspora, commonly known as Pholiota nameko or simply nameko is a small, amber-brown mushroom with a slightly gelatinous coating that is us
Chia seeds, in wooden bowl. Edible seeds of Salvia hispanica, flowering plant in mint family (Lamiaceae). Very hygroscopic, giving food a gel texture. Stock Photo
RF2HJEWF8–Chia seeds, in wooden bowl. Edible seeds of Salvia hispanica, flowering plant in mint family (Lamiaceae). Very hygroscopic, giving food a gel texture.
Pholiota microspora, commonly known as Pholiota nameko or simply nameko is a small, amber-brown mushroom with a slightly gelatinous coating that is us Stock Photo
RF2JPEXYN–Pholiota microspora, commonly known as Pholiota nameko or simply nameko is a small, amber-brown mushroom with a slightly gelatinous coating that is us
Raw chia seeds, soaked in water, in a wooden bowl. Fruits of Salvia hispanica, very hygroscopic, absorbing twelve times their weight. Stock Photo
RF2FNT456–Raw chia seeds, soaked in water, in a wooden bowl. Fruits of Salvia hispanica, very hygroscopic, absorbing twelve times their weight.
RFA82F9R–Swiftlet nest exploitation; Unstable Scaffolding outside Birds Nest Island, limestone caves, Krabi Province, Ko Phi Phi Don, Andaman Sea Thailand
Chia seeds, raw and soaked in water, in white bowls. Fruits of Salvia hispanica, very hygroscopic, absorbing twelve times their weight. Stock Photo
RF2FNT44W–Chia seeds, raw and soaked in water, in white bowls. Fruits of Salvia hispanica, very hygroscopic, absorbing twelve times their weight.
side view of chia seeds absorbed water and made gelatinous texture in glass close-up cutout on white background Stock Photo
RFWJ82P1–side view of chia seeds absorbed water and made gelatinous texture in glass close-up cutout on white background
Chia seeds, edible seeds of Salvia hispanica, in a wooden bowl Stock Photo
RF2K277PM–Chia seeds, edible seeds of Salvia hispanica, in a wooden bowl
Chambers's miscellany of useful and entertaining tracts . als of ahumble class, consisting generally of a stalkfixed at the lower end to the sea-bottom, andbearing at the other a cup-like body, with amouth in the centre, and numerous tentaculaor arms branching* in all directions for theseizure of prey. The stalk and tentacula werecomposed of innumerable small plates of calca-reous or bony substance, connected by a mus-cular integument, so as to be capable of bend-ing in all directions, and likewise, as some sup-pose, covered with a gelatinous coating. Thebones of the stalk, perforated for an i Stock Photo
RM2AM71MW–Chambers's miscellany of useful and entertaining tracts . als of ahumble class, consisting generally of a stalkfixed at the lower end to the sea-bottom, andbearing at the other a cup-like body, with amouth in the centre, and numerous tentaculaor arms branching* in all directions for theseizure of prey. The stalk and tentacula werecomposed of innumerable small plates of calca-reous or bony substance, connected by a mus-cular integument, so as to be capable of bend-ing in all directions, and likewise, as some sup-pose, covered with a gelatinous coating. Thebones of the stalk, perforated for an i
. The cyclopædia of anatomy and physiology. Anatomy; Physiology; Zoology. POLYPIFERA. Fig. 38.. Fungia. A. portion of the calcareous basis has been denuded of the gelatinous coating. (After Forskal.} settle down again at the bottom in its right position. The living gelatinous crust which covers the surface of the lamella is not merely a su- perficial investment, as it has been described by some writers, but, as will be proved here- after, enters essentially into the formation of the substance of the stony mass, upon the component parts of which it exerts a vital influence. The Fungia described Stock Photo
RMPFN7MY–. The cyclopædia of anatomy and physiology. Anatomy; Physiology; Zoology. POLYPIFERA. Fig. 38.. Fungia. A. portion of the calcareous basis has been denuded of the gelatinous coating. (After Forskal.} settle down again at the bottom in its right position. The living gelatinous crust which covers the surface of the lamella is not merely a su- perficial investment, as it has been described by some writers, but, as will be proved here- after, enters essentially into the formation of the substance of the stony mass, upon the component parts of which it exerts a vital influence. The Fungia described
Forest Nameko mushrooms sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom. The Japanese call it “the slimy mushroom” and use it in miso soup. Stock Photo
RM2J00165–Forest Nameko mushrooms sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom. The Japanese call it “the slimy mushroom” and use it in miso soup.
top view of chia seeds absorbed water and made a beverage with gelatinous texture at bottom of glass beaker cutout on white background Stock Photo
RFWJ82JG–top view of chia seeds absorbed water and made a beverage with gelatinous texture at bottom of glass beaker cutout on white background
. The cyclopædia of anatomy and physiology. Anatomy; Physiology; Zoology. POLYPIFERA. Fig. 38.. Fungia. A. portion of the calcareous basis has been denuded of the gelatinous coating. (After Forskal.} settle down again at the bottom in its right position. The living gelatinous crust which covers the surface of the lamella is not merely a su- perficial investment, as it has been described by some writers, but, as will be proved here- after, enters essentially into the formation of the substance of the stony mass, upon the component parts of which it exerts a vital influence. The Fungia described Stock Photo
RMRD5DGC–. The cyclopædia of anatomy and physiology. Anatomy; Physiology; Zoology. POLYPIFERA. Fig. 38.. Fungia. A. portion of the calcareous basis has been denuded of the gelatinous coating. (After Forskal.} settle down again at the bottom in its right position. The living gelatinous crust which covers the surface of the lamella is not merely a su- perficial investment, as it has been described by some writers, but, as will be proved here- after, enters essentially into the formation of the substance of the stony mass, upon the component parts of which it exerts a vital influence. The Fungia described
Forest Nameko mushrooms sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom. The Japanese call it “the slimy mushroom” and use it in miso soup. Stock Photo
RM2HXXXC8–Forest Nameko mushrooms sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom. The Japanese call it “the slimy mushroom” and use it in miso soup.
above view of chia seeds absorbed water and made mucilage substance close-up in glass Stock Photo
RFWJ82FH–above view of chia seeds absorbed water and made mucilage substance close-up in glass
. A handbook of cryptogamic botany. Cryptogams. FLORlDEAL 211 packed vertical filaments. The species of Hildenbrandtia form rose- coloured incrustations on rocks, stones, and shells in salt or (H. rivularis, Ag.) running fresh water. The tetrasporanges are either terminal cells of special filaments, enclosed in a gelatinous coating and rising verti- cally from the flat thallus ; or they are formed in nematheces, in external wart-like protuberances, or in depressions in the surface of the thallus. The cystocarps are also either formed in nematheces, or are external,. Fig. -Hildenbrandtiaprototy Stock Photo
RMRE3D8N–. A handbook of cryptogamic botany. Cryptogams. FLORlDEAL 211 packed vertical filaments. The species of Hildenbrandtia form rose- coloured incrustations on rocks, stones, and shells in salt or (H. rivularis, Ag.) running fresh water. The tetrasporanges are either terminal cells of special filaments, enclosed in a gelatinous coating and rising verti- cally from the flat thallus ; or they are formed in nematheces, in external wart-like protuberances, or in depressions in the surface of the thallus. The cystocarps are also either formed in nematheces, or are external,. Fig. -Hildenbrandtiaprototy
Forest Nameko mushrooms sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom. The Japanese call it “the slimy mushroom” and use it in miso soup. Stock Photo
RM2HYX5EB–Forest Nameko mushrooms sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom. The Japanese call it “the slimy mushroom” and use it in miso soup.
Forest Nameko mushrooms at Farmers Market in Summit, NJ, USA. Sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom. Stock Photo
RMH1E872–Forest Nameko mushrooms at Farmers Market in Summit, NJ, USA. Sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom.
top view of handful of wet chia seeds absorbing water at bottom of glass beaker cutout on white background Stock Photo
RFWJ81PX–top view of handful of wet chia seeds absorbing water at bottom of glass beaker cutout on white background
. A manual of botany. Botany. THALLOPHYTA—ALG^ 49 form a true tissue, but are bound together by a kind of inter- cellular substance, or are surrounded by a common gelatinous coating. Each row of cells grows by division of the terminal one, which is sometimes much larger than the others. There is no intercalary growth of the filament by division of any of the other cells, though lateral branches may arise from them. The successive cells of the row or rows constituting the thallus communicate with each other by a kind of rudimentary sieve- plate [fig. 798), though they can hardly be described as Stock Photo
RMRE0N7D–. A manual of botany. Botany. THALLOPHYTA—ALG^ 49 form a true tissue, but are bound together by a kind of inter- cellular substance, or are surrounded by a common gelatinous coating. Each row of cells grows by division of the terminal one, which is sometimes much larger than the others. There is no intercalary growth of the filament by division of any of the other cells, though lateral branches may arise from them. The successive cells of the row or rows constituting the thallus communicate with each other by a kind of rudimentary sieve- plate [fig. 798), though they can hardly be described as
Forest Nameko mushrooms at Farmers Market in Summit, NJ, USA. Sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom. Stock Photo
RMH1E866–Forest Nameko mushrooms at Farmers Market in Summit, NJ, USA. Sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom.
top view of chia seeds absorbed water and made mucilage substance at bottom of glass beaker cutout on white background Stock Photo
RFWJ82CM–top view of chia seeds absorbed water and made mucilage substance at bottom of glass beaker cutout on white background
. Advanced biology. Biology; Physiology; Reproduction. SPAWNING OF FROGS 283 species of frogs reach maturity in different periods of time. At maturity, the female frog lays fifty or a hundred eggs, ova, in the water. Each ovum consists of a tiny ,cell surrounded by yolk or food which is covered with a gelatinous coating. The adult male frog discharges sperms into the w^ater. These sperms are mo- tile, swimming by means of tinv tails. If a sperm comes in contact with an egg, it penetrates the egg The cow, placid in disposition, is easily distinguished from , , , the excitable and frequently dan Stock Photo
RMRR26M0–. Advanced biology. Biology; Physiology; Reproduction. SPAWNING OF FROGS 283 species of frogs reach maturity in different periods of time. At maturity, the female frog lays fifty or a hundred eggs, ova, in the water. Each ovum consists of a tiny ,cell surrounded by yolk or food which is covered with a gelatinous coating. The adult male frog discharges sperms into the w^ater. These sperms are mo- tile, swimming by means of tinv tails. If a sperm comes in contact with an egg, it penetrates the egg The cow, placid in disposition, is easily distinguished from , , , the excitable and frequently dan
Forest Nameko mushrooms at Farmers Market in Summit, NJ, USA. Sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom. Stock Photo
RMH1E867–Forest Nameko mushrooms at Farmers Market in Summit, NJ, USA. Sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom.
. Comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Anatomy, Comparative; Vertebrates. GENITAL ORGANS 473 from its termination, each oviduct in Anurans becomes dilated to form a thin-walled sac, in which the eggs, covered by a gelatinous coating from the glands in the wall of the middle part of the oviduct, become collected before oviposition : after again narrowing, it usually opens separately on a papilla on the dorsal wall of Ot Od-—. FIG. 356.—URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF A FEMALE Hmin <x<-nl, ntn. From the ventral side. N, kidneys ; Od, oviduct; Ot, abdominal aperture of oviduct; Or, left ovary (that o Stock Photo
RMREF9W1–. Comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Anatomy, Comparative; Vertebrates. GENITAL ORGANS 473 from its termination, each oviduct in Anurans becomes dilated to form a thin-walled sac, in which the eggs, covered by a gelatinous coating from the glands in the wall of the middle part of the oviduct, become collected before oviposition : after again narrowing, it usually opens separately on a papilla on the dorsal wall of Ot Od-—. FIG. 356.—URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF A FEMALE Hmin <x<-nl, ntn. From the ventral side. N, kidneys ; Od, oviduct; Ot, abdominal aperture of oviduct; Or, left ovary (that o
Forest Nameko mushrooms at Farmers Market in Summit, NJ, USA. Sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom. Stock Photo
RMH1E884–Forest Nameko mushrooms at Farmers Market in Summit, NJ, USA. Sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom.
Insects injurious to fruits . d to five hundred eggs, about one-twenty-fifth of an inchin diameter, of a white color, nearly globular, and flattenedon the upper side. They are placed in three or four layers,the interstices being filled with a frothy, gelatinous matter,which makes them adhere securely together, and over all isa thick coating of the same material, with a nearly smoothgrayish-white surface, of a convex form, which efifectually 58 INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE APPLE. prevents the lodgment of any water on it. The egg-mass isattached to an empty gray cocoon, the former abode of thefemale Stock Photo
RM2AKMYD1–Insects injurious to fruits . d to five hundred eggs, about one-twenty-fifth of an inchin diameter, of a white color, nearly globular, and flattenedon the upper side. They are placed in three or four layers,the interstices being filled with a frothy, gelatinous matter,which makes them adhere securely together, and over all isa thick coating of the same material, with a nearly smoothgrayish-white surface, of a convex form, which efifectually 58 INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE APPLE. prevents the lodgment of any water on it. The egg-mass isattached to an empty gray cocoon, the former abode of thefemale
Forest Nameko mushrooms at Farmers Market in Summit, NJ, USA. Sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom. Stock Photo
RMH1E85F–Forest Nameko mushrooms at Farmers Market in Summit, NJ, USA. Sometimes call the “Butterscotch” mushroom.
Insects injurious to fruits . to five hundred eggs, about one-twenty-fifth of an inchin diameter, of a white color, nearly globular, and flattenedon the upper side. They are placed in three or four layers,the interstices being filled with a frothy, gelatinous matter,which makes them adhere securely together, and over all isa thick coating of the same material, with a nearly smoothgrayish-white surface, of a convex form, which effectually 58 INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE APPLE. prevents tlie lodgment of any water on it. The egg-mass isattiiched to an empty gray cocoon, the former abode of thefemale Stock Photo
RM2AJDN6X–Insects injurious to fruits . to five hundred eggs, about one-twenty-fifth of an inchin diameter, of a white color, nearly globular, and flattenedon the upper side. They are placed in three or four layers,the interstices being filled with a frothy, gelatinous matter,which makes them adhere securely together, and over all isa thick coating of the same material, with a nearly smoothgrayish-white surface, of a convex form, which effectually 58 INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE APPLE. prevents tlie lodgment of any water on it. The egg-mass isattiiched to an empty gray cocoon, the former abode of thefemale
. Fourteen weeks in zoology. Zoology. CLASS EHIZOPODA. 275 and capable of being contracted into a spiral form. The ciliated fringe can also be retracted within the body. They multiply by fission, budding, and encysting. If by fission, the body simply splits into two portions, each becoming a new being.* If by budding, a swelling com- mences near the base of the bell, which at length detaches itself, and developing a stalk, becomes fixed. If by encysting, a coating of gelatinous matter covers the bell, the stem and cilia being absorbed. In time, the cyst bursting, a number of germs are set free Stock Photo
RMRDRBHW–. Fourteen weeks in zoology. Zoology. CLASS EHIZOPODA. 275 and capable of being contracted into a spiral form. The ciliated fringe can also be retracted within the body. They multiply by fission, budding, and encysting. If by fission, the body simply splits into two portions, each becoming a new being.* If by budding, a swelling com- mences near the base of the bell, which at length detaches itself, and developing a stalk, becomes fixed. If by encysting, a coating of gelatinous matter covers the bell, the stem and cilia being absorbed. In time, the cyst bursting, a number of germs are set free
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