. Electrical world. ingshop, the turbo unit was transferred by traveling cranes to one ofthe testing foundations. As no foundation bolts are used no furtherpreparation was necessary to operate the turbine than to connectup to the steam and the 36-inch exhaust pipes, each of which hasoutlets at the various testing pits. During the superheated-steam tests, the steam was superheatedby an independent gas-fired superheater, which forms part of thepermanent testing outfit in the Westinghouse turbine shop. The exhaust steam was condensed in an Alberger counter-current Februarv 20, 1904. ELECTRICAL WO Stock Photo
RM2AG0N55–. Electrical world. ingshop, the turbo unit was transferred by traveling cranes to one ofthe testing foundations. As no foundation bolts are used no furtherpreparation was necessary to operate the turbine than to connectup to the steam and the 36-inch exhaust pipes, each of which hasoutlets at the various testing pits. During the superheated-steam tests, the steam was superheatedby an independent gas-fired superheater, which forms part of thepermanent testing outfit in the Westinghouse turbine shop. The exhaust steam was condensed in an Alberger counter-current Februarv 20, 1904. ELECTRICAL WO
STEAM CRANES. Details off Locomotives to be Interchange able. American Tires for Locomotives. Traveling Steam Crane. Burnettys Traveling Crane. BURNETT'S TRAVELING AND, scientific american, 1865-03-25 Stock Photo
RM2ABTX1N–STEAM CRANES. Details off Locomotives to be Interchange able. American Tires for Locomotives. Traveling Steam Crane. Burnettys Traveling Crane. BURNETT'S TRAVELING AND, scientific american, 1865-03-25
. Locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . The Brown Hoisting and Conveying Machine Co., ENGINEERS, DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Operated by hand, electric power or air, of any size and for any duty. Locomotive and Wharf Cranes.^operate?bysTeamOTeiectrTdty^^ Traveling Cranes. Pillar Cranes.Wrecking Cars. ( Hand or power, for wrecking cars,) yard, and warehouse use. Furnished complete with hand or ( steam wrecking cranes and every modern appliance.. Transfer Tables and Turn Tables. ^^ °p electricity, steam or hand, of modem design. Overhead Stock Photo
RM2CH66CG–. Locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . The Brown Hoisting and Conveying Machine Co., ENGINEERS, DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Operated by hand, electric power or air, of any size and for any duty. Locomotive and Wharf Cranes.^operate?bysTeamOTeiectrTdty^^ Traveling Cranes. Pillar Cranes.Wrecking Cars. ( Hand or power, for wrecking cars,) yard, and warehouse use. Furnished complete with hand or ( steam wrecking cranes and every modern appliance.. Transfer Tables and Turn Tables. ^^ °p electricity, steam or hand, of modem design. Overhead
OVERHEAD STEAM CRANES FOR DOOR PURPOSES. ber uprights by four wrought iron plate brackets strength ry roller path and brackets for the gear required to transmit the traveling motion which will shortly be referred t is firmly bolted at the extreme end of the girders nearest to thedock while the girders are planked over so as to form a store for coal and water. The crane and the whole of the substructure is designed for a working load of 3 tuns at the maximum radius of 21 feet from center of crane post to as has already been stated of precisely the same construc tion as those which have given Stock Photo
RM2ABWBDA–OVERHEAD STEAM CRANES FOR DOOR PURPOSES. ber uprights by four wrought iron plate brackets strength ry roller path and brackets for the gear required to transmit the traveling motion which will shortly be referred t is firmly bolted at the extreme end of the girders nearest to thedock while the girders are planked over so as to form a store for coal and water. The crane and the whole of the substructure is designed for a working load of 3 tuns at the maximum radius of 21 feet from center of crane post to as has already been stated of precisely the same construc tion as those which have given
. Electric railway journal . ispatch nature, it would be far bet-ter if managements would look into labor-savingdevices instead of copying practices that led Mr. Bran-deis, now judge of the United States Supreme Court,to accuse the steam railroads of wasting $1,000,000 aday. Most electric railways have power houses, sub-stations and car shops where they use power hoists, jibcranes and traveling cranes, as a matter of course—evenin power houses and substations where they are rarelyneeded. Yet there is practically no freight house—either steam or electric—in this country that has atraveling cran Stock Photo
RM2CH37NX–. Electric railway journal . ispatch nature, it would be far bet-ter if managements would look into labor-savingdevices instead of copying practices that led Mr. Bran-deis, now judge of the United States Supreme Court,to accuse the steam railroads of wasting $1,000,000 aday. Most electric railways have power houses, sub-stations and car shops where they use power hoists, jibcranes and traveling cranes, as a matter of course—evenin power houses and substations where they are rarelyneeded. Yet there is practically no freight house—either steam or electric—in this country that has atraveling cran
. Locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . PHILADELPHIA, PA MODERN MACHINE TOOLS. 9^ NOTE:—Our Improved Tools are desigtied to meet themost exacting requirements of Modern Railway Machine andRepair Shops. In addition to all the Standard Tools., we /re-quently make modifications thereof for special purposes. ^ TRAVELING CRANES, SWING CRANES.CAR CRANES, etc. Turntables, Testing Machines, Steam Hammers, etc.INJECTORS FOR LOCOMOTIVES, SH A A / INGI AND ALL ITS APPURTENANCES FOR TRANSMITTING POWER-. ^ Beveled Packing Ring Simple, Self-supporting,Durab Stock Photo
RM2CGTCWW–. Locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . PHILADELPHIA, PA MODERN MACHINE TOOLS. 9^ NOTE:—Our Improved Tools are desigtied to meet themost exacting requirements of Modern Railway Machine andRepair Shops. In addition to all the Standard Tools., we /re-quently make modifications thereof for special purposes. ^ TRAVELING CRANES, SWING CRANES.CAR CRANES, etc. Turntables, Testing Machines, Steam Hammers, etc.INJECTORS FOR LOCOMOTIVES, SH A A / INGI AND ALL ITS APPURTENANCES FOR TRANSMITTING POWER-. ^ Beveled Packing Ring Simple, Self-supporting,Durab
. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. *******+*************^^ * * * * * * * * * * * *****. FLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westing Stock Photo
RM2CRECEW–. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. *******+*************^^ * * * * * * * * * * * *****. FLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westing
. Official proceedings . Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished.Catalogues on request General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh.. Two Thermit frame welds made by Southern Railway Send forPamphlet 2161 The onlyreliablemethod ofrepairingbroken loco-motive framesand otherheavy steelsections. M Stock Photo
RM2CH39KE–. Official proceedings . Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished.Catalogues on request General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh.. Two Thermit frame welds made by Southern Railway Send forPamphlet 2161 The onlyreliablemethod ofrepairingbroken loco-motive framesand otherheavy steelsections. M
. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building,Chicago NILESBEMENTPOND Heavy Driving Wlieei Latlie Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop asvifell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers.. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tool Stock Photo
RM2CH2YX8–. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building,Chicago NILESBEMENTPOND Heavy Driving Wlieei Latlie Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop asvifell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers.. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tool
. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tocl equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City *H Frick Building,-J Pittsburgh. jut» ft J*t■ ■? T1 ■! ftT>1i * * * * * ** * »* * * * * * ****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *******. 3CFLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insu Stock Photo!-fttgt1i-3cflat-beaded-gaskets-now-available-for-airbrake-apparatus-insu-image372026282.html
RM2CH778X–. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tocl equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City *H Frick Building,-J Pittsburgh. jut» ft J*t■ ■? T1 ■! ftT>1i * * * * * ** * »* * * * * * ****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *******. 3CFLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insu
. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine toil equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. ra^$tittift$fl?f>llifrlfr$1?ftft$^$$^frfrf$!frfrfrfrfrfrfrifrfrifrt>lt^tt^ifiElElrfrfr+Y. ABCFLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher Stock Photo!frfrfrfrfrfrfrifrfrifrtgtltttifielelrfrfry-abcflat-beaded-gaskets-now-available-for-airbrake-apparatus-insure-atigher-image372023169.html
RM2CH739N–. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine toil equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. ra^$tittift$fl?f>llifrlfr$1?ftft$^$$^frfrf$!frfrfrfrfrfrfrifrfrifrt>lt^tt^ifiElElrfrfr+Y. ABCFLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher
. Locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . m ^iO^ (Jmljv. PHILADELPHIA, PA. MODERN MACHINE TOOLS. ^ NOTE:-Our Improved Tools are designed to meet themost exacting requirements of Afodem Railivay Machine anaRepair Shops. In addition to all flu- StAudard Tools^ we /re-quently make modifications thereoj Jor special Purposes. if TRAVELING CRANES, SWING CRANES.CAR CRANES, etc Turntables, Testing Machines, Steam Hammers, etc. INJECTORS FOR LOCOMOTIVES, ^it f A / IIIZIandai.l its appurtenances for transmitting power. D. SAUNDERS SONS,. MANUFACTURERS Stock Photo
RM2CGR7RF–. Locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . m ^iO^ (Jmljv. PHILADELPHIA, PA. MODERN MACHINE TOOLS. ^ NOTE:-Our Improved Tools are designed to meet themost exacting requirements of Afodem Railivay Machine anaRepair Shops. In addition to all flu- StAudard Tools^ we /re-quently make modifications thereoj Jor special Purposes. if TRAVELING CRANES, SWING CRANES.CAR CRANES, etc Turntables, Testing Machines, Steam Hammers, etc. INJECTORS FOR LOCOMOTIVES, ^it f A / IIIZIandai.l its appurtenances for transmitting power. D. SAUNDERS SONS,. MANUFACTURERS
. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street, McCormick Building, New York Chicago NILESBEMENTPOND Heavy Driving Wlieel Latlie Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tool Stock Photo
RM2CH2M5Y–. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street, McCormick Building, New York Chicago NILESBEMENTPOND Heavy Driving Wlieel Latlie Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tool
. Official proceedings . Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished.Catalogues on request General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh.. Two Thermit frame welds made by Southern Railway- Send forPamphlet 2161 The onlyreliablemethod ofrepairingbroken loco-motive framesand otherheavy steelsections. Stock Photo
RM2CH3G0E–. Official proceedings . Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished.Catalogues on request General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh.. Two Thermit frame welds made by Southern Railway- Send forPamphlet 2161 The onlyreliablemethod ofrepairingbroken loco-motive framesand otherheavy steelsections.
. Official proceedings . Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished.Catalogues on request General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. vii. WE6TW6H01S£FRKTIQM DRAFT GEARS Built by the originators of theFriction Draft Gear principle. WES1TOIH0USE AXR ffl&KE 60. ^/ilmerdinrf, Pa. WestinghouseElectr Stock Photo
RM2CR2NTE–. Official proceedings . Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished.Catalogues on request General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. vii. WE6TW6H01S£FRKTIQM DRAFT GEARS Built by the originators of theFriction Draft Gear principle. WES1TOIH0USE AXR ffl&KE 60. ^/ilmerdinrf, Pa. WestinghouseElectr
. Locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . PHILADELPHIA, PA MODERN MACHINE TOOLS. 9^ NOTE:—Our Improved Toots are designed to meet themost exacting requirements of Modern Railway Machine andRepair Siiops. In addition to all the Standard Tools^ we frequently make modifications thereof for special purposes. ^ TRAVELING CRANES, SWING CRANES,CAR CRANES, etc Turntables, Testing Machines, Steam Hammers, etc.INJECTORS FOR LOCOMOTIVES, ^9ri / I I I flSi AND ALL ITS APPURTENANCES FOR TRANSMITTING POWER. RICHARD DUDOHON, 2i and 26 Colnmbia St., New York Stock Photo
RM2CGPTN0–. Locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . PHILADELPHIA, PA MODERN MACHINE TOOLS. 9^ NOTE:—Our Improved Toots are designed to meet themost exacting requirements of Modern Railway Machine andRepair Siiops. In addition to all the Standard Tools^ we frequently make modifications thereof for special purposes. ^ TRAVELING CRANES, SWING CRANES,CAR CRANES, etc Turntables, Testing Machines, Steam Hammers, etc.INJECTORS FOR LOCOMOTIVES, ^9ri / I I I flSi AND ALL ITS APPURTENANCES FOR TRANSMITTING POWER. RICHARD DUDOHON, 2i and 26 Colnmbia St., New York
. Railway master mechanic [microform] . y the blacksmith shop. It is arranged in two bays,the main bay being occupied by machines for the heavierwork on cylinder castings, boring, planing, etc., and isserved by three electric traveling cranes. Machines forlighter work, such as cylinder heads, steam chests, steamchest covers, piston valves, bushings, etc., are placed ina side bay where they are served by light traveling hoists.Machines in this shop are arranged in groups and elec-trically driven. The old boiler shop has recently been converted intoa frame shop, while the old foundry has been re Stock Photo
RM2CRFFJA–. Railway master mechanic [microform] . y the blacksmith shop. It is arranged in two bays,the main bay being occupied by machines for the heavierwork on cylinder castings, boring, planing, etc., and isserved by three electric traveling cranes. Machines forlighter work, such as cylinder heads, steam chests, steamchest covers, piston valves, bushings, etc., are placed ina side bay where they are served by light traveling hoists.Machines in this shop are arranged in groups and elec-trically driven. The old boiler shop has recently been converted intoa frame shop, while the old foundry has been re
. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building.Chicago NILES-BEMENTPOND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 7-1-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Aeo complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools a Stock Photo
RM2CH3B3X–. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building.Chicago NILES-BEMENTPOND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 7-1-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Aeo complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools a
. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street, McCormick Building, New York Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduc*:ion. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor ouside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tool Stock Photo
RM2CH3H9K–. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street, McCormick Building, New York Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduc*:ion. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor ouside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tool
. Official proceedings . Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR AM)RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished.Catalogues on request General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh.. friction: draft guars Built by the originators of theFriction Draft Gear principle. T^mOIOUSE AIR BRAKE 60. ^/JlmerdiTy?, Pa. WestinghouseElectric Arc Welding Ou Stock Photo
RM2CR31T9–. Official proceedings . Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR AM)RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished.Catalogues on request General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh.. friction: draft guars Built by the originators of theFriction Draft Gear principle. T^mOIOUSE AIR BRAKE 60. ^/JlmerdiTy?, Pa. WestinghouseElectric Arc Welding Ou
. Official proceedings . s. Again, infast freight, helper and switching service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY NILESBEMENT-POND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and Stock Photo
RM2CGX7T4–. Official proceedings . s. Again, infast freight, helper and switching service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY NILESBEMENT-POND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and
. Official proceedings . in, infast freight, helper and switching service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY i* O NILESBEMENTPOND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a Stock Photo
RM2CGXFP5–. Official proceedings . in, infast freight, helper and switching service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY i* O NILESBEMENTPOND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a
. Official proceedings . FOU LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine too.1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete ecjuipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-(iuest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. ^j„,*«.j«t«i«x«:«:«:«:«:«:^^^^ Wi. FLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air Brake Stock Photo
RM2CNMJTM–. Official proceedings . FOU LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine too.1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete ecjuipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-(iuest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. ^j„,*«.j«t«i«x«:«:«:«:«:«:^^^^ Wi. FLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air Brake
. Official proceedings . y 30 Church Street, McCormick Building, New York Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE. CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall To Stock Photo
RM2CH347X–. Official proceedings . y 30 Church Street, McCormick Building, New York Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE. CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall To
. Official proceedings . Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished.Catalogues on request General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. vii. TYPE N weswqmsz FRICTION DRAFT GEAR6 Built by the originators of theFriction Draft Gear principle. WESHNGHOUSE JVIR BRAKE CO. ^/ilmerdin#, Pa, WestinghouseEl Stock Photo
RM2CR2K88–. Official proceedings . Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished.Catalogues on request General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. vii. TYPE N weswqmsz FRICTION DRAFT GEAR6 Built by the originators of theFriction Draft Gear principle. WESHNGHOUSE JVIR BRAKE CO. ^/ilmerdin#, Pa, WestinghouseEl
. Official proceedings . irements. Again, infast freight, helper and switching service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY .... NILES-BEMENTPOND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Sma Stock Photo
RM2CRHXFT–. Official proceedings . irements. Again, infast freight, helper and switching service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY .... NILES-BEMENTPOND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Sma
. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street.New York McCormick Building,Chicago NILESBEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. AIro complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools a Stock Photo
RM2CH35CN–. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street.New York McCormick Building,Chicago NILESBEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. AIro complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools a
. Official proceedings . 1 30 Church Street, McCormick Building, New York Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall To Stock Photo
RM2CH3GG8–. Official proceedings . 1 30 Church Street, McCormick Building, New York Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall To
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR AM)RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equiii-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wailcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall To Stock Photo
RM2CRRP8R–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR AM)RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equiii-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wailcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall To
. Official proceedings . y 30 Church Street, McCormick Building, New York Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall To Stock Photo
RM2CH39TD–. Official proceedings . y 30 Church Street, McCormick Building, New York Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall To
. Official proceedings . y 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building,Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and Si-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wall cranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Too Stock Photo
RM2CH4NX5–. Official proceedings . y 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building,Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and Si-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wall cranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Too
. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building,Chicago NILES-BEMENTPOND Heavy Driving Wlieet Latlie Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor ou*side journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools Stock Photo
RM2CH41AF–. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building,Chicago NILES-BEMENTPOND Heavy Driving Wlieet Latlie Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor ou*side journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools
. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine toal equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. I ri{ AiCFLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air Brake Co. Wilmerding, Pa.. Westing Stock Photo
RM2CPY8BB–. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine toal equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. I ri{ AiCFLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air Brake Co. Wilmerding, Pa.. Westing
. Official proceedings . When used directly on galvanized iron will prevent the followingcoats from peeling off. Write to us for particulars. YflRNflLL PflINT COMPflNy PHILADELPHIA, PA. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL RAILWAY SPECIALTIES. This Space For Sale Railroad Repair Shop Equipment Combining all modern features for rapid, convenient operation.. MACHINE TOOLS STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES Niles New Model Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. P. &w. SMALL TOOLS AND M. C. B. GAUGES WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT-POND CO 111 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Buil Stock Photo
RM2CR72RD–. Official proceedings . When used directly on galvanized iron will prevent the followingcoats from peeling off. Write to us for particulars. YflRNflLL PflINT COMPflNy PHILADELPHIA, PA. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL RAILWAY SPECIALTIES. This Space For Sale Railroad Repair Shop Equipment Combining all modern features for rapid, convenient operation.. MACHINE TOOLS STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES Niles New Model Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. P. &w. SMALL TOOLS AND M. C. B. GAUGES WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT-POND CO 111 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Buil
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Too Stock Photo
RM2CR2NR3–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Too
. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equii>-mcnt for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete eciuipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re- (iuest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. %4f^^^^l*^^ rH. ABCFLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air Brake Co. Wilmerd Stock Photo
RM2CRAM8B–. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equii>-mcnt for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete eciuipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re- (iuest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. %4f^^^^l*^^ rH. ABCFLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air Brake Co. Wilmerd
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY •JSmJhJhJ* NILES-BEMENT-POND Machine Tools Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tocl equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric [traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and Whit Stock Photo
RM2CH755P–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY •JSmJhJhJ* NILES-BEMENT-POND Machine Tools Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tocl equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric [traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and Whit
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany iirevious model and isesiiecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR AM)RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall T Stock Photo
RM2CNC01Y–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany iirevious model and isesiiecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR AM)RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall T
. Official proceedings . ents. Again, iafast freight, helper and switching service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY . NILES-BEMENT-POND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Too Stock Photo
RM2CRJ2ET–. Official proceedings . ents. Again, iafast freight, helper and switching service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY . NILES-BEMENT-POND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Too
. Official proceedings . ments. Again, infast freight, helper and switching service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY •NILES-BEMENT-POND- MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small To Stock Photo
RM2CGWX9J–. Official proceedings . ments. Again, infast freight, helper and switching service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY •NILES-BEMENT-POND- MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small To
. Official proceedings . Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE. CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. R. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished.Catalogues on request General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh.. Two Thermit frame welds made by Southern Railway Metal and Thermit Corporation PittsburghChicago 120 Broadway, New York San FranciscoToronto SL TATEFLEXIBLESTAY Stock Photo
RM2CH3416–. Official proceedings . Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE. CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. R. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished.Catalogues on request General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh.. Two Thermit frame welds made by Southern Railway Metal and Thermit Corporation PittsburghChicago 120 Broadway, New York San FranciscoToronto SL TATEFLEXIBLESTAY
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Too Stock Photo
RM2CR3650–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Too
. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete eiiuipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. ^^^^,^^,i^*^it4^^ji,4Hiir4i^^^4Hi^. ABCFLAT BEADED GASKETS —^now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air Br Stock Photo
RM2CH77NA–. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete eiiuipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. ^^^^,^^,i^*^it4^^ji,4Hiir4i^^^4Hi^. ABCFLAT BEADED GASKETS —^now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air Br
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR AM)RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Too Stock Photo
RM2CR31T5–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR AM)RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Too
. Official proceedings . Again, infast freight, helper and switching service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY • ••• NILESBEMENTPOND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools a Stock Photo
RM2CGWRAD–. Official proceedings . Again, infast freight, helper and switching service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY • ••• NILESBEMENTPOND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools a
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Machine Tools Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue. FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tocl equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric [traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Too Stock Photo
RM2CR2DE6–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Machine Tools Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue. FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tocl equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric [traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Too
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY &<* NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine to;,l equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric (traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and Whitney Stock Photo
RM2CH76JC–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY &<* NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine to;,l equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric (traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and Whitney
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY NILESBEMENT-POND Machine Tools Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. f f * ! FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine toil equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneyS Stock Photo!-for-locomotive-car-andrailroad-repair-shops-also-complete-machine-toil-equip-ment-for-general-machine-shop-aswell-as-electric-traveling-cranestrolleys-and-hoists-jib-and-wallcranes-and-steam-hammers-pratt-and-whitneys-image375617476.html
RM2CR2RWT–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY NILESBEMENT-POND Machine Tools Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. f f * ! FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine toil equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneyS
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue. .9. IS: Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySm Stock Photo
RM2CR2TFD–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue. .9. IS: Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySm
. Official proceedings . y 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building;,Chicago NILES-BEMENTPOND Machine Tools Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tool Stock Photo
RM2CH4BT0–. Official proceedings . y 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building;,Chicago NILES-BEMENTPOND Machine Tools Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tool
. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building,Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE. CAR AND RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS.Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools Stock Photo
RM2CH4EPM–. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building,Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE. CAR AND RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS.Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Too Stock Photo
RM2CR3404–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Too
. Official proceedings . y 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building,Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tool Stock Photo
RM2CH4AJM–. Official proceedings . y 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building,Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tool
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENTPOND Heavy Driving Wlieel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany i)revious model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall To Stock Photo
RM2CRTR4G–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENTPOND Heavy Driving Wlieel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany i)revious model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall To
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILESBEMENTPOND Heavy Driving Wtieei Lathe Is (■nnsidei-ably heavier thanany inevious model and isespecially designed for hiprhproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and S4-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE. CAR ANDRAILKOAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wailcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall T Stock Photo
RM2CRWJXR–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILESBEMENTPOND Heavy Driving Wtieei Lathe Is (■nnsidei-ably heavier thanany inevious model and isespecially designed for hiprhproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and S4-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE. CAR ANDRAILKOAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wailcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall T
. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine too.1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete eciuipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Cataloguesquest. tI on re- General Offices: 111 BroadwrayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. .:■H^«:■H£«^4:«^4:«:«^4J«:«^♦♦^^^^ i. ABCFLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Stock Photo
RM2CP6P65–. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine too.1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete eciuipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Cataloguesquest. tI on re- General Offices: 111 BroadwrayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. .:■H^«:■H£«^4:«^4:«:«^4J«:«^♦♦^^^^ i. ABCFLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse
. Official proceedings . y 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building,Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and i*especially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74inch and S4-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR AND RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS.Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools Stock Photo
RM2CH44XK–. Official proceedings . y 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building,Chicago NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and i*especially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74inch and S4-inch.Ask for special catalogue.. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR AND RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS.Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue. J=. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Stock Photo
RM2CR2K8T–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier thanany previous model and isespecially designed for highproduction. Takes wheelson axles having either insideor outside journals, maxi-mum diameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch.Ask for special catalogue. J=. Machine Tools FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY *HfHjH$* NILES-BEMENT-POND Machine Tools Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-amea^r on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. AIho complete machine to ,1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and Whitne Stock Photo
RM2CR2G33–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY *HfHjH$* NILES-BEMENT-POND Machine Tools Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-amea^r on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. AIho complete machine to ,1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and Whitne
. Official proceedings . MACHINE TOOLS STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES Ni!es New Model Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT POND CO 111 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With Thermit Saves Time and Money The mechanical officialsof 420 Railroad Shopsare saving thousands of their broken engine frames in place, and are returnmg theirengines to service in from 10 to 24 hours. If you are not using Thermit in YOUR shopyou are nottaking advantage of the great sa Stock Photo!es-new-model-driving-wheel-lathehas-broken-all-wheel-shop-records-write-for-catalogue-niles-bement-pond-co-111-broadway-new-york-pittsburgh-office-frick-building-welding-framesin-place-with-thermit-saves-time-and-money-the-mechanical-officialsof-420-railroad-shopsare-saving-thousands-of-their-broken-engine-frames-in-place-and-are-returnmg-theirengines-to-service-in-from-10-to-24-hours-if-you-are-not-using-thermit-in-your-shopyou-are-nottaking-advantage-of-the-great-sa-image375701506.html
RM2CR6K2X–. Official proceedings . MACHINE TOOLS STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES Ni!es New Model Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT POND CO 111 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With Thermit Saves Time and Money The mechanical officialsof 420 Railroad Shopsare saving thousands of their broken engine frames in place, and are returnmg theirengines to service in from 10 to 24 hours. If you are not using Thermit in YOUR shopyou are nottaking advantage of the great sa
. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. AIho complete machine to ,1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-aid Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. » jt 4. & »>* »> »t* * * >* *■ * »* >t* * * * * * *■ * * * * *■ t> >i> ■* >* »>t. wesimiodse: FRTCHOAL DRAFT GEAR6 Built by the originators of th Stock Photo
RM2CR2G3A–. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. AIho complete machine to ,1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-aid Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. » jt 4. & »>* »> »t* * * >* *■ * »* >t* * * * * * *■ * * * * *■ t> >i> ■* >* »>t. wesimiodse: FRTCHOAL DRAFT GEAR6 Built by the originators of th
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Machine Tools *Jf V * * Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. FOR LOCOMOTIVE. CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine toc.l equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and Whitn Stock Photo
RM2CH78TH–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND Machine Tools *Jf V * * Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. FOR LOCOMOTIVE. CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine toc.l equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and Whitn
. Official proceedings . ensive yet permanent. Alco Welded Type Sleeves can be used in any part ofthe boiler. The all-around economy of Alco Staybolts is an es-tablished fact—to delay installation is to incur needlessexpense. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY (h$H$H$ I NILES-BEMENT-POND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a complete equipmen Stock Photo
RM2CGYPG6–. Official proceedings . ensive yet permanent. Alco Welded Type Sleeves can be used in any part ofthe boiler. The all-around economy of Alco Staybolts is an es-tablished fact—to delay installation is to incur needlessexpense. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY (h$H$H$ I NILES-BEMENT-POND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a complete equipmen
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY I i NILES-BEMENT-POND Machine Tools +x**>+ Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axies having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tocl equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and W Stock Photo
RM2CH779W–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY I i NILES-BEMENT-POND Machine Tools +x**>+ Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axies having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tocl equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and W
. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building,Chicago Railroad Repair Shop Equipment Combining all modern features forrapid, convenient operation. JL^^ MACHINE TOOLS. STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOL^AND M. C. B. GAUGES Niles ^ew Model Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT POND CO 111 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building. Keep Your Locomotives Onthe Run They Were Never of Greater Value tothe Country Than They Are Now. They are not doing- the counlry any good, however, if they ares Stock Photo
RM2CH4EE9–. Official proceedings . 30 Church Street,New York McCormick Building,Chicago Railroad Repair Shop Equipment Combining all modern features forrapid, convenient operation. JL^^ MACHINE TOOLS. STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOL^AND M. C. B. GAUGES Niles ^ew Model Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT POND CO 111 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building. Keep Your Locomotives Onthe Run They Were Never of Greater Value tothe Country Than They Are Now. They are not doing- the counlry any good, however, if they ares
. Official proceedings . Niles New Model Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. MACHINE TOOLS STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. Ill Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With ThermitSaves Time and Money The mechanical officials of 420 Railroad Shops are saving thousands of Making Thermit Weld Without Removing ^oHars every year using Frame Thermit for welding their broken engine frames in place, and are returning their engines to service in from 10 to 24 Stock Photo
RM2CR60PT–. Official proceedings . Niles New Model Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. MACHINE TOOLS STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. Ill Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With ThermitSaves Time and Money The mechanical officials of 420 Railroad Shops are saving thousands of Making Thermit Weld Without Removing ^oHars every year using Frame Thermit for welding their broken engine frames in place, and are returning their engines to service in from 10 to 24
. Official proceedings . MACHINE-TOOLS STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES Niles New IVodel Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT POND CO 111 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With Thermit Saves Time and Money The mechanical officialsof 420 Railroad Shopsare saving thousands of,, ,. , .. ,,, ,, „,... , j, ■ dollars every year using Making Thermit Weld Without Removing .. , ... J. - u- Frame Thermit for welding their broken engine frames in place, and are retu Stock Photo
RM2CPTTN9–. Official proceedings . MACHINE-TOOLS STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES Niles New IVodel Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT POND CO 111 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With Thermit Saves Time and Money The mechanical officialsof 420 Railroad Shopsare saving thousands of,, ,. , .. ,,, ,, „,... , j, ■ dollars every year using Making Thermit Weld Without Removing .. , ... J. - u- Frame Thermit for welding their broken engine frames in place, and are retu
. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine too.1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh, f II I tJTJ T % ►♦«>♦&♦^♦^^^ FLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air Brake Co. Stock Photo
RM2CRKX8R–. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine too.1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh, f II I tJTJ T % ►♦«>♦&♦^♦^^^ FLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air Brake Co.
. Official proceedings . Niles New /Vodel Driving: Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. Ill Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With ThermitSaves Time and Money The mechanical officials of 420 Railroad Shops are saving thousands of Making Thermit Weld Without Renioving dollars every year ushig Fiame Thermit tor welding their broken engine frames in place, and are returning their engines to service in from 10 to 24 hours. If Stock Photo
RM2CR7EKY–. Official proceedings . Niles New /Vodel Driving: Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. Ill Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With ThermitSaves Time and Money The mechanical officials of 420 Railroad Shops are saving thousands of Making Thermit Weld Without Renioving dollars every year ushig Fiame Thermit tor welding their broken engine frames in place, and are returning their engines to service in from 10 to 24 hours. If
. Official proceedings . MACHINE TOOLS STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES Niles New Model Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. P. &w. SMALL TOOLS AND M. C. B. GAUGES WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT-POND CO 111 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With ThermitSaves Time and Money The mechanical officialsof 420 Railroad Shopsare saving thousands of. , „ . dollars every year using Making Thermit Weld Without Removing Thermit for welding their broken enginT frames in place, and are returning theirengines to service in from 10 to 24 h Stock Photo
RM2CR72N5–. Official proceedings . MACHINE TOOLS STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES Niles New Model Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. P. &w. SMALL TOOLS AND M. C. B. GAUGES WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT-POND CO 111 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With ThermitSaves Time and Money The mechanical officialsof 420 Railroad Shopsare saving thousands of. , „ . dollars every year using Making Thermit Weld Without Removing Thermit for welding their broken enginT frames in place, and are returning theirengines to service in from 10 to 24 h
. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE. CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine toc.l equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. ti^^H^HJH£Hj^^^$H{.H^*.H^^. ABCFLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air Brake Co. W Stock Photo
RM2CH78R2–. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE. CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine toc.l equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. ti^^H^HJH£Hj^^^$H{.H^*.H^^. ABCFLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air Brake Co. W
. Official proceedings . s.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY -- NILESBEMENTPOND-- MACHINE TOOLS ■!!• For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a complete equipmentT of M. C. B. Gaug^es can also be furnished. Write for Catalogs. Niles-Be Stock Photo!!-for-locomotive-car-and-railroad-repair-shops-also-complete-machine-tool-equipment-for-general-ma-chine-shops-as-well-as-electric-traveling-cranes-trol-leys-and-hoists-jib-and-wall-cranes-and-steam-ham-mers-pratt-whitney-machine-tools-small-tools-and-a-complete-equipmentt-of-m-c-b-gauges-can-also-be-furnished-write-for-catalogs-niles-be-image371826803.html
RM2CGX4TK–. Official proceedings . s.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY -- NILESBEMENTPOND-- MACHINE TOOLS ■!!• For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a complete equipmentT of M. C. B. Gaug^es can also be furnished. Write for Catalogs. Niles-Be
. Official proceedings . Alco Welded Type Sleeves can be used in any part ofthe boiler. The all-around economy of Alco Staybolts is an es-tablished fact—to delay installation is to incur needlessexpense. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a complete equipmentof M. C. B. Gauges can also be Stock Photo
RM2CRDW1G–. Official proceedings . Alco Welded Type Sleeves can be used in any part ofthe boiler. The all-around economy of Alco Staybolts is an es-tablished fact—to delay installation is to incur needlessexpense. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a complete equipmentof M. C. B. Gauges can also be
. Official proceedings . f f * ! FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine toil equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City X TT 1 I ii x Frick Building,Pittsburgh.. ABCFLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air Brake Co. Wilmerd Stock Photo!-for-locomotive-car-andrailroad-repair-shops-also-complete-machine-toil-equip-ment-for-general-machine-shop-aswell-as-electric-traveling-cranestrolleys-and-hoists-jib-and-wallcranes-and-steam-hammers-pratt-and-whitneysmall-tools-and-acomplete-equipmentof-m-c-b-stand-ard-gauges-can-alsobe-furnished-catalogues-on-re-quest-general-offices-111-broadwaynew-york-city-x-tt-1-i-ii-x-frick-buildingpittsburgh-abcflat-beaded-gaskets-now-available-for-airbrake-apparatus-insure-atigher-and-more-enduringseal-at-vital-points-westinghouse-air-brake-co-wilmerd-image375538484.html
RM2CPY74M–. Official proceedings . f f * ! FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine toil equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City X TT 1 I ii x Frick Building,Pittsburgh.. ABCFLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air Brake Co. Wilmerd
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY i i 1 iI NILES-BEMENT-POND Machine Tools Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is .especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tod equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and Whitney Stock Photo
RM2CH7604–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY i i 1 iI NILES-BEMENT-POND Machine Tools Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is .especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tod equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and Whitney
. Official proceedings . ast freight, helper and switching service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY 1 ! NILES-BEMENT-POND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a compl Stock Photo!-niles-bement-pond-machine-tools-for-locomotive-car-and-railroad-repair-shops-also-complete-machine-tool-equipment-for-general-ma-chine-shops-as-well-as-electric-traveling-cranes-trol-leys-and-hoists-jib-and-wall-cranes-and-steam-ham-mers-pratt-whitney-machine-tools-small-tools-and-a-compl-image371848182.html
RM2CGY446–. Official proceedings . ast freight, helper and switching service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY 1 ! NILES-BEMENT-POND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a compl
. Official proceedings . NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS 4 H .C STEAMHAMMERS HydraulicMachinery No. 3 Double Axle Lathe using High-Power Steel Tools. NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. Trinity Building Pittsburg Office 111 Broadway, New York Frick Building M. M. Cochran, President. John H. Wurtz Secretary and Treasurer W. Harry Brown, Vice President. J. S. Newmyeb, General Manager. WASHINGTON COAL & COKE CO. General Office! Dawson, Fayette County, Pa. 5,000 Tons Daily Capacity. Individual Cars. YOUGHIOGHENYCOAL. STEAM. - GAS. - COKING. WASHINGTONCONNELLSVILLE COKE. FURNACE. - FOUND Stock Photo!-dawson-fayette-county-pa-5000-tons-daily-capacity-individual-cars-youghioghenycoal-steam-gas-coking-washingtonconnellsville-coke-furnace-found-image374781741.html
RM2CNMNX5–. Official proceedings . NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS 4 H .C STEAMHAMMERS HydraulicMachinery No. 3 Double Axle Lathe using High-Power Steel Tools. NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. Trinity Building Pittsburg Office 111 Broadway, New York Frick Building M. M. Cochran, President. John H. Wurtz Secretary and Treasurer W. Harry Brown, Vice President. J. S. Newmyeb, General Manager. WASHINGTON COAL & COKE CO. General Office! Dawson, Fayette County, Pa. 5,000 Tons Daily Capacity. Individual Cars. YOUGHIOGHENYCOAL. STEAM. - GAS. - COKING. WASHINGTONCONNELLSVILLE COKE. FURNACE. - FOUND
. Official proceedings . Manufactured only by. NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS STEAMHAMMERS HydraulicMachinery No. 3 Double Axle Lathe using High-Power Sieel Tools. NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. Trinity Building Pittsburg Office 111 Broadway, New York Frick Building M. M. Cochran. President. John H. Wurtz Secretary and Treasurer V. Harry Brown, Vice President. J. S. Newmyee, General Manager. WASHINGTON COAL & COKE CO. General Office: Dawson, Fayette County, Pa. 5,000 Tons Daily Capacity. Individual Cars. YOUGHIOGHENYCOAL. STEAM. - GAS. - COKING. WASHINGTONCONNELLSVILLE COKE. Stock Photo
RM2CNPEEG–. Official proceedings . Manufactured only by. NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS STEAMHAMMERS HydraulicMachinery No. 3 Double Axle Lathe using High-Power Sieel Tools. NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. Trinity Building Pittsburg Office 111 Broadway, New York Frick Building M. M. Cochran. President. John H. Wurtz Secretary and Treasurer V. Harry Brown, Vice President. J. S. Newmyee, General Manager. WASHINGTON COAL & COKE CO. General Office: Dawson, Fayette County, Pa. 5,000 Tons Daily Capacity. Individual Cars. YOUGHIOGHENYCOAL. STEAM. - GAS. - COKING. WASHINGTONCONNELLSVILLE COKE.
. Electric railway journal . ce, Sure-Grip drivers andpatented tool clamps operated by a single screw. Niles-Bement-Pond Co. For Electric RailwayRepair Shops Full line of high grademachines for the specialJ requirements of suchshops as well as all typesof standard machine tools,steam hammers and elec-tric traveling cranes. Ill Broadway, New York City25 Victoria St., London, S. W. SALES OFFICES AND AGENCIES—Boston: 03-95 Oliver St. Philadelphia: 405 N. 2Tst St. Pittsburgh: Friek Bldg. Cleveland, O.: The Niles Tool Works Co., 730 Superior Ave. Hamilton, O.: The Niles Tool Works Co. Cineinnati: T Stock Photo
RM2CR7CRA–. Electric railway journal . ce, Sure-Grip drivers andpatented tool clamps operated by a single screw. Niles-Bement-Pond Co. For Electric RailwayRepair Shops Full line of high grademachines for the specialJ requirements of suchshops as well as all typesof standard machine tools,steam hammers and elec-tric traveling cranes. Ill Broadway, New York City25 Victoria St., London, S. W. SALES OFFICES AND AGENCIES—Boston: 03-95 Oliver St. Philadelphia: 405 N. 2Tst St. Pittsburgh: Friek Bldg. Cleveland, O.: The Niles Tool Works Co., 730 Superior Ave. Hamilton, O.: The Niles Tool Works Co. Cineinnati: T
. Official proceedings . part ofthe boiler. The all-around economy of Alco Staybolts is an es-tablished fact—to delay installation is to incur needlessexpense. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY gH$H$H$l I I srinrv NILES-BEMENT-POND MACHINE TOOLS j For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops % i: Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma- &chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol- «►leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. JL Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a complete equipment ♦> of M. C. B. Gauges can also be fu Stock Photo
RM2CH03KE–. Official proceedings . part ofthe boiler. The all-around economy of Alco Staybolts is an es-tablished fact—to delay installation is to incur needlessexpense. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY gH$H$H$l I I srinrv NILES-BEMENT-POND MACHINE TOOLS j For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops % i: Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma- &chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol- «►leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham-mers. JL Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a complete equipment ♦> of M. C. B. Gauges can also be fu
. Official proceedings . Manufactured on.yby THE McCONWAY & TORLEY CO., PITTSBURGH, PA NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS STEAMHAMMERS HydraulicMachinery. Xo. 3 Double Axle Lathe using High-Power Steel Tools. NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. Trinity Building111 Broadway, New York Pittsburg Office Frick Building M. M. Cochran. President. V. Harry Brown, Vice President. John H. Wurtz Secretary and TreasurerJ. S. Newmyer, General Manager. WASHINGTON COAL & COKE CO. General Office! Dawson, Fayette County, Pa. 5,000 Tons Daily Capacity. Individual Cars. YOUGHIOGHENYCOAL. STEAM. - GAS. - Stock Photo!-dawson-fayette-county-pa-5000-tons-daily-capacity-individual-cars-youghioghenycoal-steam-gas-image374859226.html
RM2CNT8NE–. Official proceedings . Manufactured on.yby THE McCONWAY & TORLEY CO., PITTSBURGH, PA NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS STEAMHAMMERS HydraulicMachinery. Xo. 3 Double Axle Lathe using High-Power Steel Tools. NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. Trinity Building111 Broadway, New York Pittsburg Office Frick Building M. M. Cochran. President. V. Harry Brown, Vice President. John H. Wurtz Secretary and TreasurerJ. S. Newmyer, General Manager. WASHINGTON COAL & COKE CO. General Office! Dawson, Fayette County, Pa. 5,000 Tons Daily Capacity. Individual Cars. YOUGHIOGHENYCOAL. STEAM. - GAS. -
. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine to 1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys ar.d hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomp!ete equipmento. M. C. U. Stand-a d Caugcs can alsobe furnisb.ed. Calogues on re-^ quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. Y ffI I f II v*^m.h.k«:«:«:^. TYPE wEsmmovst friction: draft gears Built by the originators of theFriction Draft Gear principle. WE6TTNGH0U5E AIR ffl&KE CO. ^/jlmerdinff, Stock Photo!ete-equipmento-m-c-u-stand-a-d-caugcs-can-alsobe-furnisbed-calogues-on-re-quest-general-offices-111-broadwaynew-york-city-frick-buildingpittsburgh-y-ffi-i-f-ii-vmhk-type-wesmmovst-friction-draft-gears-built-by-the-originators-of-thefriction-draft-gear-principle-we6ttngh0u5e-air-fflke-co-jlmerdinff-image375859812.html
RM2CRDW0M–. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine to 1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys ar.d hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomp!ete equipmento. M. C. U. Stand-a d Caugcs can alsobe furnisb.ed. Calogues on re-^ quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. Y ffI I f II v*^m.h.k«:«:«:^. TYPE wEsmmovst friction: draft gears Built by the originators of theFriction Draft Gear principle. WE6TTNGH0U5E AIR ffl&KE CO. ^/jlmerdinff,
. Official proceedings . ■$$&*&i STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES Niles New Model Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT-POND CO 111 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With Thermit Saves Time and Money The mechanical officialsof 420 Railroad Shopsare saving thousands of„ . dollars every year using Making Thermit WeldWithout Removing «Thermit for welding their broken engine frames in place, and are returning theirengines to service in from 10 to 24 hours. If y Stock Photo
RM2CR2HD7–. Official proceedings . ■$$&*&i STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES Niles New Model Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT-POND CO 111 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With Thermit Saves Time and Money The mechanical officialsof 420 Railroad Shopsare saving thousands of„ . dollars every year using Making Thermit WeldWithout Removing «Thermit for welding their broken engine frames in place, and are returning theirengines to service in from 10 to 24 hours. If y
. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine too.1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. ft Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. f t I1IT f f 1I I I f ? I !i ^♦•H^^M^M^^^ Vll FLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghou Stock Photo!i-hmm-vll-flat-beaded-gaskets-now-available-for-airbrake-apparatus-insure-atigher-and-more-enduringseal-at-vital-points-westinghou-image372023921.html
RM2CH748H–. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine too.1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys and hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. ft Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick Building,Pittsburgh. f t I1IT f f 1I I I f ? I !i ^♦•H^^M^M^^^ Vll FLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghou
. Official proceedings . NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS STEAMHAMMERS HydraulicMachinery No. 3 Double Axle Lathe using High-Power Steel Tools. NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. Trinity Building Pittsburg Office 111 Broadway, New York Frick Building M. M. Cochran, President. John H. Wurtz, Secretary and Treasurer W. Harry Brown, Vice President. WASHINGTON COAL & COKE CO. General Office : Dawson, Fayette County, Pa. 5,000 Tons Daily Capacity. Individual Cars. YOUGHIOGHENYCOAL. STEAM. - GAS. - COKING. ^K WASHINGTONCONNELLSVILLE COKE. FURNACE. - FOUNDRY. - CRUSHED. Shipments via B. &. Stock Photo
RM2CH1R1N–. Official proceedings . NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS STEAMHAMMERS HydraulicMachinery No. 3 Double Axle Lathe using High-Power Steel Tools. NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. Trinity Building Pittsburg Office 111 Broadway, New York Frick Building M. M. Cochran, President. John H. Wurtz, Secretary and Treasurer W. Harry Brown, Vice President. WASHINGTON COAL & COKE CO. General Office : Dawson, Fayette County, Pa. 5,000 Tons Daily Capacity. Individual Cars. YOUGHIOGHENYCOAL. STEAM. - GAS. - COKING. ^K WASHINGTONCONNELLSVILLE COKE. FURNACE. - FOUNDRY. - CRUSHED. Shipments via B. &.
. Official proceedings . MACHINE TOOLS STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES Niles New /Vodel Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT POND CO 111 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With Thermit Saves Time and Money The mechanical officials of 420 Railroad Shops are saving thousands of Making Thermit Weld Without Removing dollars every year using Frame Thermit for welding their broken engine frames in place, and are returning their engines to service in from 10 to 2 Stock Photo
RM2CR5NA9–. Official proceedings . MACHINE TOOLS STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES Niles New /Vodel Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT POND CO 111 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With Thermit Saves Time and Money The mechanical officials of 420 Railroad Shops are saving thousands of Making Thermit Weld Without Removing dollars every year using Frame Thermit for welding their broken engine frames in place, and are returning their engines to service in from 10 to 2
. Official proceedings . NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS STEAMHAMMERS HydraulicMachinery No. 3 Double Axle Lathe using High-Power Steel Tools. NILES-BEMENT POND CO. Trinity Building Pittsburgh, pa. Ill Broadway, New York Frick Buildino M. M. Cochran, President. John H. Wurtz, Secretary and Treasurer W. Harry Brown, Vice President. WASHINGTON COAL & COKE CO. General Office I Dawson, Fayette County, Pa. 5,000 Tons Daily Capacity. Individual Cars. YOUGHIOGHENYCOAL. STEAM. - GAS. - COKING. WASHINGTONCONNELLSVILLE COKE. FURNACE. - FOUNDRY. - CRUSHED. Shipments via B. &. O. Stock Photo
RM2CRJH47–. Official proceedings . NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS STEAMHAMMERS HydraulicMachinery No. 3 Double Axle Lathe using High-Power Steel Tools. NILES-BEMENT POND CO. Trinity Building Pittsburgh, pa. Ill Broadway, New York Frick Buildino M. M. Cochran, President. John H. Wurtz, Secretary and Treasurer W. Harry Brown, Vice President. WASHINGTON COAL & COKE CO. General Office I Dawson, Fayette County, Pa. 5,000 Tons Daily Capacity. Individual Cars. YOUGHIOGHENYCOAL. STEAM. - GAS. - COKING. WASHINGTONCONNELLSVILLE COKE. FURNACE. - FOUNDRY. - CRUSHED. Shipments via B. &. O.
. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool c(iuip-iriint for general machine shop ahwell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys :ind hoists, jib and wall(M lines, and steam hammeis. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick BuUding,Pittsburgh. lt*M«t*4^^«i«M>*>*M«:«t«t«t«t^^ FLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air Stock Photo
RM2CPHE04–. Official proceedings . FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine tool c(iuip-iriint for general machine shop ahwell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys :ind hoists, jib and wall(M lines, and steam hammeis. Pratt and WhitneySmall Tools and acomplete equipmentof M. C. B. Stand-ard Gauges can alsobe furnished. Catalogues on re-quest. General Offices: 111 BroadwayNew York City Frick BuUding,Pittsburgh. lt*M«t*4^^«i«M>*>*M«:«t«t«t«t^^ FLAT BEADED GASKETS —now available for AirBrake apparatus, insure atigher and more enduringseal at vital points. Westinghouse Air
. Official proceedings . NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS STEAMHAMMERS HydraulicMachinery No. 3 Double Axle Lathe using High-Power Steel Tools. NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. TRiNtTv Building Pittsburg OpFict111 Broadway. New York Frick SuitoiNc M. M. Cochran, President. John H. Wurtz, Secretary and Treasurer w, Harry Brown, Vice President. WASHINGTON COAL & COKE CO. General Office : Dawson, Fayette County, Pa. 5,000 Tons Daily Capacity. individual Cars. YOUGHIOGHENYCOAL. STEAM. - GAS. - COKING. WASHINGTONCONNELLSVILLE COKE. FURNACE. - FOUNDRY. - CRUSHED. Shipments via B. <&. Stock Photo
RM2CH22JC–. Official proceedings . NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS STEAMHAMMERS HydraulicMachinery No. 3 Double Axle Lathe using High-Power Steel Tools. NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. TRiNtTv Building Pittsburg OpFict111 Broadway. New York Frick SuitoiNc M. M. Cochran, President. John H. Wurtz, Secretary and Treasurer w, Harry Brown, Vice President. WASHINGTON COAL & COKE CO. General Office : Dawson, Fayette County, Pa. 5,000 Tons Daily Capacity. individual Cars. YOUGHIOGHENYCOAL. STEAM. - GAS. - COKING. WASHINGTONCONNELLSVILLE COKE. FURNACE. - FOUNDRY. - CRUSHED. Shipments via B. <&.
. Official proceedings . g service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY NILESBEMENTPOND-i MACHINE TOOLS | For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops % t Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma- Y chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol- £, leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham- ♦«♦ mers. JL X Pratt & Whitney | Machine Tools, Small Tools and a complete equipme Stock Photo
RM2CH71NA–. Official proceedings . g service it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY NILESBEMENTPOND-i MACHINE TOOLS | For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops % t Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma- Y chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol- £, leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham- ♦«♦ mers. JL X Pratt & Whitney | Machine Tools, Small Tools and a complete equipme
. Official proceedings . it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND-f MACHINE TOOLS | For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops £ 1 Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol- aleys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham- ♦.♦ I T1 mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a complete equipmentof M. C. B. G Stock Photo
RM2CGXPYC–. Official proceedings . it givesquick and accurate valve gear adjustments.In other words, it meets the conditions imposedin all classes of service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY NILES-BEMENT-POND-f MACHINE TOOLS | For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops £ 1 Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol- aleys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham- ♦.♦ I T1 mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a complete equipmentof M. C. B. G
. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY I I 1 NILES-BEMENTPOND Machine Tools t X t ** Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine to 1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys ar.d hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and Stock Photo
RM2CREBKM–. Official proceedings . AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. 30 CHURCH ST., NEW YORK CITY I I 1 NILES-BEMENTPOND Machine Tools t X t ** Heavy Driving Wheel Lathe Is considerably heavier than anyprevious model and is especially de-signed for high production. Takeswheels on axles having either insideor outside journals, maximum di-ameter on tread 74-inch and 84-inch. Ask for special catalogue.. FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CAR ANDRAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS. Also complete machine to 1 equip-ment for general machine shop aswell as electric traveling cranes,trolleys ar.d hoists, jib and wallcranes, and steam hammers. Pratt and
. Official proceedings . NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS STEAMHAMMERS HydraulicMachinery No. 3 Double Axle Lathe usiDg high-Power Steel Tools. NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. Trinity Building Pittsburg Office 111 Broadway, New York Frick Building M. M. Cochran, President. John H. Wurtz, Secretary and Treasurer W. Harry Brown, Vice President. WASHINGTON COAL & COKE CG. General Of*;ce : Dawson, Fayette County, Pa. 5,000 Tons Daily Capacity. Individual Cars. YOUGHIOGHENYCOAL. STEAM. - GAS. - COKING. WASHINGTONCONNELLSVILLE COKE. FURNACE. - FOUNDRY. - CRUSHED. Shipments via B. & O. Stock Photo
RM2CRMNWD–. Official proceedings . NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS STEAMHAMMERS HydraulicMachinery No. 3 Double Axle Lathe usiDg high-Power Steel Tools. NILES-BEMENT-POND CO. Trinity Building Pittsburg Office 111 Broadway, New York Frick Building M. M. Cochran, President. John H. Wurtz, Secretary and Treasurer W. Harry Brown, Vice President. WASHINGTON COAL & COKE CG. General Of*;ce : Dawson, Fayette County, Pa. 5,000 Tons Daily Capacity. Individual Cars. YOUGHIOGHENYCOAL. STEAM. - GAS. - COKING. WASHINGTONCONNELLSVILLE COKE. FURNACE. - FOUNDRY. - CRUSHED. Shipments via B. & O.
. Official proceedings . No RustEverlasting Asbestos Lumber Smoke Jacks for Railway Roundhouses Asbestos Century Sheathing and Shingles. Wool Packing Waste and Cotton Waste for Wiping. ASBESTOS RAILWAY SUPPLIES. ASBESTOS CAR LINING. Train Pipe Coverings. Papers, Packings, Etc. Perfection Journal Box Packing (Patented) 85% Magnesia Boiler Lagging. FRANKLIN. PA. NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS STEAM HAMMERS t HydraulicMachinery No. 3 Doable Axe Lathe using high-Power Steel Tools. NILES-BEMENT-POND CO.. Trinity Building11 Bbo»dw*y. New York Pittsburg Office Frick Bun dinc Stock Photo
RM2CRDRPN–. Official proceedings . No RustEverlasting Asbestos Lumber Smoke Jacks for Railway Roundhouses Asbestos Century Sheathing and Shingles. Wool Packing Waste and Cotton Waste for Wiping. ASBESTOS RAILWAY SUPPLIES. ASBESTOS CAR LINING. Train Pipe Coverings. Papers, Packings, Etc. Perfection Journal Box Packing (Patented) 85% Magnesia Boiler Lagging. FRANKLIN. PA. NILES RAILWAY TOOLS Electric Traveling CRANES and HOISTS STEAM HAMMERS t HydraulicMachinery No. 3 Doable Axe Lathe using high-Power Steel Tools. NILES-BEMENT-POND CO.. Trinity Building11 Bbo»dw*y. New York Pittsburg Office Frick Bun dinc
. Official proceedings . Niles New Model Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. MACHINE TOOLS STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT-POND CO HI Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With ThermitSaves Time and Money The mechanical officials of 420 Railroad Shops are saving thousands of Making Thermit Weld Without Removing dollars every year using Frame Thermit tor welding their broken engine frames in place, and are returning their engines to service in from 10 to 24 h Stock Photo
RM2CR0KN6–. Official proceedings . Niles New Model Driving Wheel LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. MACHINE TOOLS STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT-POND CO HI Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With ThermitSaves Time and Money The mechanical officials of 420 Railroad Shops are saving thousands of Making Thermit Weld Without Removing dollars every year using Frame Thermit tor welding their broken engine frames in place, and are returning their engines to service in from 10 to 24 h
. Official proceedings . STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES Niles New Model DriinK ticcl LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT POND CO Hi Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With Thermit Saves Time and Money The mechanical officials of 420 Railroad Shops are saving thousands of Making Thermit Weld Without Removing dollars every year using Frame Thermit for welding their broken engine frames in place, and are returning their engines to service in from 10 to 24 hours. If y Stock Photo
RM2CR5D9J–. Official proceedings . STEAM HAMMERS ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES P. & W.SMALL TOOLSAND M. C. B. GAUGES Niles New Model DriinK ticcl LatheHas broken all wheel shop records. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE NILES-BEMENT POND CO Hi Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Office, Frick Building.. Welding FramesIn Place With Thermit Saves Time and Money The mechanical officials of 420 Railroad Shops are saving thousands of Making Thermit Weld Without Removing dollars every year using Frame Thermit for welding their broken engine frames in place, and are returning their engines to service in from 10 to 24 hours. If y
. Official proceedings . service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY p NILES-BEMENT-POND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham- mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a complete equipmentof M. C. B. Gauges can also be furnished. Write for Catalogs. V | Niles-Bement-PondCo.lHBroadway.NewYork i. Divisions 0/niles-bement-pond company Stock Photo
RM2CGXHPR–. Official proceedings . service—it does not excel in oneat the expense of another. AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY p NILES-BEMENT-POND MACHINE TOOLS For Locomotive, Car and Railroad Repair Shops Also complete machine tool equipment for general ma-chine shops as well as electric traveling cranes, trol-leys and hoists, jib and wall cranes and steam ham- mers. Pratt & Whitney Machine Tools, Small Tools and a complete equipmentof M. C. B. Gauges can also be furnished. Write for Catalogs. V | Niles-Bement-PondCo.lHBroadway.NewYork i. Divisions 0/niles-bement-pond company
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