Travels of Anna Bishop in Mexico1849 . ^ew Jersey Ferry to Eighth Avenue ! How itever got there, in the Paseo^ or why it came at all—at least 10,000 miles from either of the twospots mentioned—was a puzzle to Anna and Boch-sa which they did not recover from for some time.And what made the matter still more interestingwas the fact that, just hehind the omnibus, camethe humble carriage of the President of the Ee-public, diawn by two modest chesnut horses, and. AXNA m 3SIEXIC0. 57 escorted by a couple of horsemen. His Excel-lency and daughter sitting within, and not asingle featm^e of the whole e

Travels of Anna Bishop in Mexico1849 . ^ew Jersey Ferry to Eighth Avenue ! How itever got there, in the Paseo^ or why it came at all—at least 10,000 miles from either of the twospots mentioned—was a puzzle to Anna and Boch-sa which they did not recover from for some time.And what made the matter still more interestingwas the fact that, just hehind the omnibus, camethe humble carriage of the President of the Ee-public, diawn by two modest chesnut horses, and. AXNA m 3SIEXIC0. 57 escorted by a couple of horsemen. His Excel-lency and daughter sitting within, and not asingle featm^e of the whole e Stock Photo

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The Reading Room / Alamy Stock Photo

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Travels of Anna Bishop in Mexico1849 . ^ew Jersey Ferry to Eighth Avenue ! How itever got there, in the Paseo^ or why it came at all—at least 10, 000 miles from either of the twospots mentioned—was a puzzle to Anna and Boch-sa which they did not recover from for some time.And what made the matter still more interestingwas the fact that, just hehind the omnibus, camethe humble carriage of the President of the Ee-public, diawn by two modest chesnut horses, and. AXNA m 3SIEXIC0. 57 escorted by a couple of horsemen. His Excel-lency and daughter sitting within, and not asingle featm^e of the whole equipage attract-ing the least interest or attention! The omni-bus, it is said goes twice a day to a small town, Tactibaya, a few miles distant from the city. From six till eight in the morning, the Paseoand la Ala/meda (a garden adjoining) are muchfrequented by the gentry of both sexes, in-dulging in early rides, and enjoying with muchgusto the loveliness of the landscape, and thefine views of Chajpultej>eG monte (once a royalpalaczo, ) of the principal abode of Count Cor-tina, and of the stupendous aqueducts whichnearly encircle the entire city. This state ofthings, together with the balmy Mexican breeze, renders the Paseo^ at that hour, little short of en-chanting, and excites the ladies to commit all sortsof oddities, such as riding on the right side of thehorse, with skirts of the brevity of a common walk-ing-dress, and generally without any bonn

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