. www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/tags/book.... rthernmost limitsit is seldom found to exceed ten feet in height.The bark of the trunks of old trees is smooth, andof a whitish-gray; but on the young shoots andbranches it is green and shining. The leaves areovate, acute, spinous, glabrous, and flat; and areof a light-green colour. The flowers, which ap-pear in the months of May and June, are whiti.sh,but not conspicuous, and are succeeded by hand-some, round, scarlet berries, that remain longattached to the branches, often during the winter. Varieties. The only distinct variety

. www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/tags/book.... rthernmost limitsit is seldom found to exceed ten feet in height.The bark of the trunks of old trees is smooth, andof a whitish-gray; but on the young shoots andbranches it is green and shining. The leaves areovate, acute, spinous, glabrous, and flat; and areof a light-green colour. The flowers, which ap-pear in the months of May and June, are whiti.sh,but not conspicuous, and are succeeded by hand-some, round, scarlet berries, that remain longattached to the branches, often during the winter. Varieties. The only distinct variety Stock Photo

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The Reading Room / Alamy Stock Photo

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1351 x 1850 px | 22.9 x 31.3 cm | 9 x 12.3 inches | 150dpi

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. www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/tags/book.... rthernmost limitsit is seldom found to exceed ten feet in height.The bark of the trunks of old trees is smooth, andof a whitish-gray; but on the young shoots andbranches it is green and shining. The leaves areovate, acute, spinous, glabrous, and flat; and areof a light-green colour. The flowers, which ap-pear in the months of May and June, are whiti.sh, but not conspicuous, and are succeeded by hand-some, round, scarlet berries, that remain longattached to the branches, often during the winter. Varieties. The only distinct variety of this species is the Ilex opaca laxi-folia^ which is found in Carolina, with loose, whitish flowers, and yellowish-reelberries. The following variations, however, are mentioned by Loudon, on thrauthority of Rafinesque, but it may be questioned whether they were not mostlydeduced from leaves of trees of different ages, or in the early period of theirgrowth:— Long-toothed-leaved variety.Broad-leaved variety.Sharp-pointed-leaved variety.Round-leaved variety.. 1. I. O. MACRODOX. 2. I. O. LATIFOLIA. 3. I. O. ACUMINATA. 4. I. O. GLOBOSA. Geography and History. The northernmost limits of this species may be con-sidered as duincy and Cohasset, in Massachusetts; and it is found more or less 168 ILliX OPACA. ;ihun(l:uitly along tlic maritime parts of tho United States, to the Floridas, andalso ill lower liouisiana, nnd western Temicssec; but it is observed to becomerare in approaftliing the mountains. It was introduced into Britain in 1744, andis cullivMted in many ot th(^ Muropean gardens and collections. The largest treesof this kind recorded in England are in the gardens at the Walton House, atSyon, and at White Knights, near Reading. The height of those at Syonexceed twenty-five feet. There arc several fine specimens of the Ilex opaca on the farm of Colonel MinottThayer, in IJraintrc^e, Massachusetts, which are about a foot in diameter, a yardabove tin; gronnd, iind twenty-five f